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Miki last won the day on August 25 2020

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  1. Wind claw is busted so like whatever and it hasn't been nerfed in a decade and I'm sure the other 2 changes are like miniscule at best, you got shit jutsus like lightning senbon, fire dragon, etc. These jutsus are trash and have been trash since this game's inception.
  2. Ayo I thought you wasn't gonna waste any more of your time replying what happened dawg? @Sukki Also yeah I played for like 2 weeks a year ago I guess if you count that as "playing" LMAO And about your fast examples, literally all of that is just number changes, I mentioned there hasn't been any new jutsus added or any older jutsus reworked, and patch notes confirm that. I don't care that he changed a variable on tonfas bro relax, he been changing those variables for the past 4 years. You say "What is balancing if not changing numbers for the god sake" So let me address that, I never even mentioned balancing, you're the one who brought that up, I said no new jutsus are ever added to this game and no old dysfunctional jutsus are ever reworked. But please, feel free to let me know if I'm missing anything in terms of that, I see nothing about jutsus being reworked/added in patch notes. Hell, I even saw a post where Yamikami complains about feast of lightning AGAIN, I swear I seen that same post like 17 times already and I barely look at these forums, the oldest of these posts probably dates back all the way to 2018, and feast of lightning is still literally the exact same jutsu. LOL
  3. In terms of what they added to the game, I can open patch notes and clearly see nothing is being added other than changing numbers such as increased poison scalpel cooldown by 1 and increased damage by 1. Honestly had me dying when you accused me of being a BI warrior and getting killed 3 times on a mission then raging, homie, you are aware of the fact I haven't played this dumpster fire of a video game since atleast like 2019 right? LMAO @Sukki
  4. Mad cause game bad honestly
  5. If that's the case then he should be aware of the fact that nothing ever gets implemented in this game forsaken by god. @Sukki No new jutsus, no reworks, nothing. Only slight non sensical number tweaks, some dysfunctional summons, and self stuns get added to already existing jutsus. And somehow Rory still got all of you dogs barking to defend this game. But ayo, who am I to tell you what you should and shouldn't play, keep buying those cosmetics boys.
  6. Adding new jutsus to Nin Online? You must be a new player, there's been at best like 2 or 3 jutsus added to the game since 2017 (if that) you can forget about it buddy. Just suggest more realistic things that could be added into the game such as new cosmetics or cash shop furniture for player housing in the future.
  7. Miki


    This game been literally the same since 2017, minus the self stuns, I don't even know why you guys bother trying to get Rory to balance anything at this point. It just won't happen man and you guys know it at best he gonna reduce poison scalpel cooldown by 1 and increase damage by 1. Seriously, I don't understand. You guys are like a bunch of housewives with stockholm syndrome.
  8. Miki


    You've been posting this same observation and many others weekly for like the past 5 years buddy, Rory still didn't implement any of it. At which point you gonna give up and actually do something useful with your life Yamikami? See you next time I comment on a similar post to this 2 years from now, god bless the Nin community.
  9. It's okay Rory nobody wanted advanced masteries anyway, we all believe in your vision, do what you think is best. Personally, I never really cared much for advanced masteries and am looking forward to more exciting features such as player housing aswell as spending a couple hundred dollars on cash shop furniture (Add an adult Sasuke statue we can keep in our house pl0x!). Keep up the good work! xoxo
  10. Sure, let's take it to Discord, join me!
  11. Exactly, IN YOUR EXAMPLE. Vulgar behaviour comes in all shapes and sizes, and you as an "Administrator" someone who's meant to be an official representative of the game (even though you're barely here anyway) just said it's fine to be vulgar in your game (which covers my way of being vulgar aswell), does that sound appropriate to you? Also, you seem like the kind of guy that hasn't been to many dates or does a lot of social interaction so I'd get off that high horse if I were you, chink. (Not to mention the fact you throw a fit and insult people everytime you're met with criticism) EDIT: Just letting you know that people who use a lack of social interaction as an insult or whatever are insecure about that part of their life :^)
  12. Alright, you're a moronic fuckwad, MY FRIEND. I guess that works then? Vulgar and positive, touche.
  13. Did you legit contradict yourself in the same sentence my man? How's that even possible? @Rory
  14. This is my first attempt at something like this ever. Supposedly a sigh emote, enjoy the top notch content boys and girls. (I know it looks terrible, sorry)
  15. Came for the music :3