Ayo I thought you wasn't gonna waste any more of your time replying what happened dawg? @Sukki
Also yeah I played for like 2 weeks a year ago I guess if you count that as "playing" LMAO
And about your fast examples, literally all of that is just number changes, I mentioned there hasn't been any new jutsus added or any older jutsus reworked, and patch notes confirm that. I don't care that he changed a variable on tonfas bro relax, he been changing those variables for the past 4 years.
You say "What is balancing if not changing numbers for the god sake"
So let me address that, I never even mentioned balancing, you're the one who brought that up, I said no new jutsus are ever added to this game and no old dysfunctional jutsus are ever reworked. But please, feel free to let me know if I'm missing anything in terms of that, I see nothing about jutsus being reworked/added in patch notes. Hell, I even saw a post where Yamikami complains about feast of lightning AGAIN, I swear I seen that same post like 17 times already and I barely look at these forums, the oldest of these posts probably dates back all the way to 2018, and feast of lightning is still literally the exact same jutsu. LOL