
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. @Rory Thanks and ill think about it once im back from vacation
  2. Maybe google some tutorials my dude
  3. Wolf


    I watch the Soul Society arc and it was good as fuck. I skipped that whole Bounto arc and watched it from there. Eventually stopped when Ichigo went to that Hollow world.
  4. double post Got kind of lazy with the shirt flap. It turned out nicely though.
  5. @Hayate is old money, guys. Lay off him.
  6. Wolf

    What Village?

    Probably Sawapakagakure.
  7. Shooting for the stars, hey?
  8. Kind of trying to make my own game here.
  9. And here I was ripping it from previews.
  10. Wolf

    Village Fee

    That's 80 Asian kids... teaching North Americans is probably harder-- terrible attention span. OT: Anyways, I hope you will find a way to make each village appealing in it's own way. I just don't think it's possible to stop 200 kids from joining Leaf to become the most powerful Uchiha.
  11. Wolf

    Village Fee

    That makes sense. But what about training academy students? I think the village should have to pay to train them, ONLY IF the taxation system is introduced to the game.
  12. Wolf

    Trying Hard

    Good start... But ditch the DreamMaker and zoom out when you post pixel art. http://www.humanbalance.net/gale/us/ You're welcome.
  13. Can this game just be in English please? I don't know what Kumogakure or Iwagakure mean.
  14. Yes because fighting with 3 swords in One Piece is just ABSURD. Fighting with 7 swords in Naruto on the other hand, well that's just plausible.
  15. Wolf

    Village Fee

    In @Sipher's beautifully written topic, he talks about taxation which I think is a great idea. I think the money raised from taxes should be used to 'train' new ninjas. A problem I've seen in many Naruto games is finding a way to balance the amount of players in each village. My solution to this is for the village having to pay a fee to train Academy Students into Genins while allowing Kage's to halt the creation of new characters in their village. I was thinking about this idea earlier today, but I can't remember what else I had in mind. Feel free to suggest anything you like.
  16. @Keezus I think I 1-up'd you.
  17. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks bro.
  18. Wolf


    Hahahaha Tyler goin' in.
  19. For the outline or hair? Anyways, I used an old Doton jutsu I made in this one.
  20. @Bubbles just not your cup of tea, hey? @Slare I know that feel.
  21. Thanks man, I used Nin Online's standing pose to start my animations. I'll be adding a Rock jutsu to the last animation.
  22. When I'm not getting bunk, I'm usually jammin' to this:
  23. Newest animation, still have to add the jutsu!