
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. was I added to the entry?
  2. Since my preferred method of art, pixel art, is not accepted, I tried my hand at drawing.
  3. Can it be animated?
  4. pixel art count?
  5. vibin with beirut

    1. Kaiser
    2. Wolf


      gonna need ur old name kent

  6. GBA Zelda games are the greatest 2D action-rpgs. Wouldn't hurt to steal some of their ideas.
  7. Does this mean we have to be facing northeast to attack to the northeast? In other words, do we have to simultaneously press UP + RIGHT then ATTACK to attack in that direction? Or can we simply just move RIGHT and attack an enemy who is standing to the Northeast? Kind of like in Gameboy 2D Zelda games where we can face East and our attacks would hit the spaces directly to the NE, E, and SE.
  8. sounds good, reminds me of mabinogi
  9. I'm back now. Don't worry, the devs are motivated now.
  10. Wolf


    probably a more accurate way to decide which languages to implement. http://www.google.ca/trends/explore#q=naruto
  11. Uninstalled Dota 2. Feelsgoodman.jpg

  12. I can't even post anymore without Gary Oak, Southend, or Sipher coming into the thread and trying to instigate an argument. My first post was obviously a joke since there would be no way they would be seeing each other on the battlefield, but apparently Sipher thinks USA is at war with Singapore.
  13. Aaaand to top it off, you can't even finish what you start. pce out bye.
  14. The fact that you care about what people online think of you makes you beta af lol. Youre 23 its time to step up your life and stop trying to instigate on naruto forums
  15. Just ignore Sipher hes a keyboard warrior troll He talks like he has fought overseas when in reality all he has done is play mw3
  16. Oh I'm sorry, do you speak from experience?
  17. He is from some asian country which escapes my memory... he looks forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  18. dota 2 anyone?

    1. paramontana


      Add Anwarsaur on steam (I'm still a newb on DotA 2 though).

    2. Wolf


      wtf do i have you hitori? do you have [QUEST] is your name?

    3. paramontana
  19. Sickening clawening return
  20. Will DoubleXPhantom EVER get Silver???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Feinz


      This is why we hate you, Atrox..

    3. Noble


      The world may never know!

    4. Puok


      im not allowed to earn silver anymore the dream is dead.

  21. Add me on Steam for some DOTA 2: WolfGrail