
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Delp

  1. Hey! I'm coming with idea inspired by one of @Luhan discord post showing recolor of coat. It's time to bring some new life to already existing cosmetic items! If u want to see cosmetic item (no weapons) in new colorway that is not already in game please post the exact name of item and wanted color. Data gathered here will be sent to higher ups. Cheers
  2. I dream about it everynight, day, hour, minute, second
  3. Just press login main button again instead of quick login
  4. Wonderful idea, I had a nice read. Hope to see more of content like this
  5. My dedication for Nin was kind of based on lvling new accounts or resetting main and fighting with group of friends. I stopped playing because lack of content on high lvl, Land Of Iron imo needs a rework because It's a pain to do (I completed that arc), nothing to enjoy there. I lost motivation to lvl alts because now I have to actually do more work for same amount of xp (expect on lvls 41/46+ when u can get share of 4x cbks or vmw - they are not xp nerfed) Last and final - Guilds/Orgs as a person who wants to play with more than 3 friends at the same time as Rouge I can't enjoy game at all. It's now close to year now since we have no player orgs. edit: Ridozuku said a lot of truth about hardest lvl range in game (35-40) where now with xp nerfs it's a joke, bad missions.
  6. Hi, there is experminetal solution working under wine wrapper made by me. You can check it here (Ueda's comment) :
  7. Honestly I never thought that I will agree with everything what Yami said. This post shares my own opinion on how it should be done. Support from me champ
  8. Shirokata is in same group of swords like muramasa or bandit blade. They suck I would like to suggest buffing that sword (and the one above should get some love too) with change of chakra regen passive (faster ticks) because currently getting 5 chk tick gives shiro user nothing really rewarding or change the attack speed to the same one as iron scythe.
  9. You have to go down in Takumi, Gobori is close to down takumi bridge
  10. Delp


    I agree! Pipe could get simllar damage scaling to fan. Currently jutsus for 50dmg on 110str are some crazy thing which is not acceptable in my opinion
  11. Delp


    no, it will hurt pure masteries