My dedication for Nin was kind of based on lvling new accounts or resetting main and fighting with group of friends.
I stopped playing because lack of content on high lvl, Land Of Iron imo needs a rework because It's a pain to do (I completed that arc), nothing to enjoy there.
I lost motivation to lvl alts because now I have to actually do more work for same amount of xp (expect on lvls 41/46+ when u can get share of 4x cbks or vmw - they are not xp nerfed)
Last and final - Guilds/Orgs as a person who wants to play with more than 3 friends at the same time as Rouge I can't enjoy game at all. It's now close to year now since we have no player orgs.
Ridozuku said a lot of truth about hardest lvl range in game (35-40) where now with xp nerfs it's a joke, bad missions.