
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Enver

  1. I think changing CD to 7-8 is fine otherwise it feels too spammable imo.
  2. https://discord.gg/QKaWnRbt
  3. So you complain about WM being overpowered and the next day u want Elements to be nerfed?
  4. This is the biggest cap ive heard from my Nin Online experience, u do raidpoint raids on a daily basis which is in SZ xd.
  5. Genjutsu is really missing in the game indeed. This jutsu would be impossible to hit with a 3-4second casttime and 1 tile around him hitbox with high cooldown aswell? It doesnt even sound strong. Boring change it into some attack move. The kit rest seems fine however there is not a single instant cast jutsu.
  6. Enver

    Weapon swap

    If you want to balance the game then nerfing weapon switch is the worst idea, let me explain. U stated that Fan/WM and GF/WM are overpowered because of the weaponswitch, but in reality it is Fan and GF that are overpowered. Weapon switching actually takes more skill than holding 1 weapon only, or not holding a weapon at all so removing skill is a bad idea. Pure Fan and Pure GF are insanely good so it has nothing to do with the weapon switch.
  7. Increasing the CD will have effect for Tai/WM, WM/Fan, Bubble/WM, but not for GF/WM, GF/MED which are even stronger. Increasing the cooldown sounds like a cheap way to nerf this imo, U also have to note playing with a weapon swap requires more skill than playing something without a weapon swap.