Crystal Fan knockback instead of stun
Blood Iron Fan knockback instead of stun
Black Fan damage reduced to like 20 damage on 20str.
LOI Swords higher stat requirement, +20 ish
Pkunai damage reduced from 18+16 to 10+16
Wind Claw revert the old selfstun time, Bleed I instead of Bleed III
Wind Claw cooldown to 20 from 16
Earth Wall 0.5sec cast time
Earth Prison hitbox change
Earth Spikes reduce damage -5 ish
Lightning Spear stuntime increased to 1.3 from 1.2
Lightning Feast chakra cost reduced to 30 from 40
Reduce damage on all jutsus, -5 ish
Triple Water Bullet chakra cost reduced to 22 from 30
PSenbon 1.3sec stuntime
PScalpel silence for 0.5sec
Shadow Shuriken silence duration to 1.1sec from 2
Explosive Spiked Ball chakra cost to 35 from 24
EKunai chakra cost to 15 from 10
Chakra Scalpel reduce scaling, too overpowered right now
Treat Wounds runcast 2sec, maybe 1-2 tiles bigger hitbox
higher base damage on all jutsus, +5ish except Bubble Clone
Tornado instant cast, snare instead of stun
Find a way to fix PB Puppets
Find a way to fix Graybar
Find a way to fix jutsus cancelling when pressed too fast
Find a way to fix Toad, Slug, Weasel & Hawk
Regen system deserves a change
Tag me, ill respond to any question