So, Im playing sand since 1y+ I got about 6 months break and I came back to play as Sand.
As always I decided to grind scorpions till lvl 15 to get some money from blanks and tails. I was grinding with fan so as you know it has cooldown at hits. Every time I tried to hit scorp one of "sand blank farmers" stole it from me when I told him to stop I just got "go coyotes". I got mad and started to hit scorps in front of that blank farmer with kunai (15 dmg hit so he didnt got loot) than Allmighty Sand Kage came and jailed me, he just came and jail, any questions, any conversation, after jail I got exile, reason? Spy, than disrespecting kage and finally "Because I dont need reason". Is it normal behavior? For 1y playing sand I never had that situation. (Sorry my english is not the best)