Oh my god dude fucking eargasm, nice job dude! Especially the boss theme and Chuunin Exam Arena
Kinda late of me to respond now though. had some IRL issues right after your stream :c
If i didn't have to link my PP with a credit card i'd definitely donate a nice amount. Sorry for not being able to contribute Thanks to all those who do!
Sucks to see Rory has to put his own money in the game though.. Respect for him and the whole staff. Keep up the nice updates though
Hey man.
You should make a combat song with a DnB beat pattern like Naruto had in the recap show. Always loved hearing it when shit hit the fan.
I made this a VERY long time ago to use as my own avatar in a game, fully drawn with Adobe Flash CS3.
Upload your drawing file to http://imgur.com/ - After uploaded right click and copy the URL, then use the image button in the reply editor.