Ainz Ooal Gown

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ainz Ooal Gown

  1. I thought it was very toxic, it was the most toxic thing any1 has ever said about me, i'm hurt..
  2. Bro I told him he should've taken the offer LOOL
  3. Play the victim, it's fun. Unfortunate I deleted your personal dms to me on discord, oh well. As I like to say, don't dish it if you can't take it. Have a nice day p.s Shut up p.s.s Shut Up
  4. Leave the village. Problem solved.
  5. sand does it worse lmfao, u guys stood in cf for 1 hour today and didnt push yikes
  6. That video brings me sadness and sorrow because those leafies now have the deluded thought that they are good at the game :pensive:
  7. ehh these look dope keep up the good work
  8. Appreciate it, I definitely don't think it should be 100%, however for a boss of that caliber something should be 100% do you know where im coming from? Like a 500 ryo drop, a 100% blank drop. But absolutely nothing for 2 hours of hardwork? I don't think anyone will ever kill the kraken again. We were 5 ringed up members and it took 2 hours. But exactly like you said, if the boss doesn't hold value to it, people just won't do it.
  9. @Ueda Okay everyone, we killed it. It took 2 hours. Guess what, it didn't drop anything. Not even 10 ryo, not even a blank. Nothing. A 2 hour fight for a boss with a 1 hour spawn rate. Rory i'm sorry but that's not fair at all.
  10. Rebalanced Kuraken (Less HP by far) Reduced Kuraken Spawn Rate (hourly) @Ueda The kraken still has the same hp and it still regens, we dealt alot of damage over 10 minutes and it was the hp wasn't moving.
  11. I understand where you're coming from definitely, but I just don't to have killed 1000 tentacles to then be told "Oh hey its the head btw which is not able to be killed" You know? I only bring this up because the Tanuki mob was bugged for months and I had farmed it for 1 month + and nothing dropped. Then it was revealed that the drop was actually bugged. I don't want to waste my time and I hope Rory respects that.
  12. I think you and a lot of other medics have forgotten that you are a MEDIC. You are meant to be weak in pvp, your role isn't to kill the enemies, it's to keep your team mates alive. Your class is already very versatile and can be made into a strong offensive class, you want to add more? Go learn how to play the class instead of adding things to make your life better. Chakra scalpels already hit me for 60+ per auto plus their heals are 100+ per tick, you want lifesteal and minus chakra per hit added to this? What are you smoking so I can also come and have some. Smh Leafies just want to punch the air and win fights with their family tree.
  13. Added new Legendary drop to Kuraken: Asarihanma! Rory has said Kuraken, which is the head. Now I don't know if he knows but that mob is unkillable, it took Emiya 30mins to kill it when he was a GM spamming abilities with over inflated stat points. The reason for this post is because I have killed over 150 tentacles and nothing, yes I understand the rate is super low which isn't a problem, I just hope the head isn't the thing that drops the new item. Also the head REGENS all damage done to it, so yes, it is literally impossible to kill. I hope Rory sees this.
  14. Sandies want us to outplay their 45 minutes of gathering 20 players and then jumping 5 people doing the sand boss. All you sandies are ego inflated people who are too stupid to think things in an objective manner. Your brain cells cannot comprehend anything other than "HAHA EZ WE ARE BEST" when you're all ana primal tier. Read the post again and look at it without bias. Jesus christ cannot help you rats.
  15. I've been farming bandits for a while now and haven't seen any major drops, was just wondering if the drop rate isn't bugged as it happened a while back with another boss. Thank you
  16. Ainz Ooal Gown (Akatsuki) 60 Water Wind
  17. I agree with you surprisingly, if dz changes to wz, that problem is solved
  18. I'm gonna go ahead and ignore primal, I forgot you can't argue with monkeys, the problem here is armies running around with 20+ thinking they're skillful when they kill a group of 5. How to fix this in the most simplest way? Turn every single DangerZone into a warzone, and automatically small hunting groups will be encouraged to go out instead of zergs. Literally the solution, the only people who will go against this are the village armies that have a hard on for surrounding 1 person with 20.
  19. ur argument is stupid. If someone is a top player in nin it's because they actually practiced and put time and effort in to be good at the game lmfao, that's the reason, it doesn't magically happen
  20. So u want us to beat 20 players while those 20 players are spamming EP and using their flicker gf combos and 10 chakra meds in the back healing 100 per tick and summons out because summons dont attack each other in villagers, but in akat we can't use summons because our summons attack each other. And the constant usage of pills and oils from 20 players. You want 10 ppl with rings to defeat that ^? You can't even 1v1 with a bonesword, go back to sleep.
  21. yh so did the entirety of tornado users lmfao, they're all shit tier now except vipe cos he actually knows how to fight without the broken flicker tornado vacuum 700dmg combo
  22. when u put Zabu and Kyreno on the same level LOOOOOOL the bias is hilarious