Ainz Ooal Gown

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Ainz Ooal Gown

  1. The flaws that you are mentioning is my point that you are proving that SDZ is better, you as a SOLO player are 10/10 NO DOUBT. However, SDZ is able to lead the players around him and TEACH them what to do and what not to do and is able to put himself in the centre of his section and lead it correctly with fire/med. That is why he is better than you in this regard, overall.
  2. Also, if you watch Leaf VS Sand in the war event, and Akat vs Sand / Leaf, you will see the difference in gameplay between yourself and SDZ.
  3. That's a fair valid point no doubt, however that's the only time we've seen you and gauged your overall skill, no doubt you are an amazing player but I believe SDZ is better, whether that's biased or not is up to you. Also, I don't remember losing a single round against leaf. Also, if you remember that day I was 1v1 and 2v2's you and Static and won 90% of the spars. I also take that into consideration. Those fights are the latest in my mind. And in that situation we won.
  4. The recent akat vs leaf scrim where you led the 10v10's, we won every round. That's the situation I am talking about.
  5. No doubt Agni is really good, however the tier list is for everything not just 1v1, and I think SDZ on fire med is S tier. We fought Agni in multiple settings and SDZ won them all, showing us that he's the better Fire Med.
  6. Guarantee? You've been in that boss room once in your life and you're telling me you guarantee that I cheese it? Lmfao I beg you go complain somewhere else, Rory already knows everything there is to know about the boss killing, I showed him day one everything, the only cheese method is when Primal uses his summon over the wall and sits in the other room to let the boss dmg itself. I've killed the bosses legit since they came out.
  7. Lol, I have solo'ed BOTH bosses, it's time consuming but nonetheless achieved. I agree the boss mechanics are stupid in this game, they just increase their hp and dmg, my point here is after you guys killed it once you think you have the right to come on here and complain about it when i've killed the thing over 900 times now.
  8. I've been killing these bosses since the 3rd day of Land Of Iron release and I haven't had any issues with them. Stop crying about it and trying to make it easier.
  9. Leiting forgot about losing every single spar against me, literally every single one to the point where I would walk in spars and he wouldn't want to fight cos he knew he'd lose.
  11. says the one who hovers my dead body with 10 ppl and spam dog, real mature
  12. Atrane getting smoked at the end was the icing on the cake
  13. Wah wah it's not fair the enemies are killing us wah wah , these are the same leafies that don't go anywhere unless they're 20 plus, crying about such trivial things, spamming the game mods to do something about it "wah wah akatsuki are killing us wah ban them" jesus
  14. Are you sure about that o.o I have a special build that one shots anyone hehe
  15. Like I said, GMs are useless/inactive. Why do we have to have a lack of events when a system can be created for it so we don't have to rely on other people. Another suggestion could be leaders of official orgs gain the power to host an event. That way Kages/ anbu leaders/ akatsuki leader can host events and have permission to give out coupons. There should be logs for how many coupons they give out so abuse is squashed.
  16. That's a given, but with the 2nd option, the prizes come out of the player's pocket, so I don't see a way to abuse it.
  17. I've been playing this game now since May 22nd 2020 and there have been a total of 10 events in that time slot. This is for many reasons but the main one is lack of consistency from our GM's, they are basically afk and it doesn't look like any new one's are going to be added, in fact Emiya lost his GM powers but I digress. I have 2 suggestions: Suggestion 1: Automated Events. "1v1 Tournament starting in 15mins, /eventjoin 1v1. (Minimum to start 20 players). I'm sure Wolf is smart enough to code this in without it being abusable. Suggestion 2 : Player made events, an NPC in every village "Events" the player can walk up to it and interact giving the following options; Would you like to start a tournament 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 Thank you for choosing 1v1, How much would you like to allocate to first prize winner 2k ryo 1st place 1k ryo 2nd place 500 ryo 3rd place Tournament will start in 5mins. It's as simple as that, I am very sure this can be implemented easily, it would really add more to the game instead of just PVE content (I loved the land of iron content don't get me wrong but most players hate PVE) Please react and reply with suggestions instead of toxic answers. Thanks!
  18. I find it highly offensive and toxic when someone calls me a nerd. Shut up
  19. toxic u should be banned p.s shut up