Ainz Ooal Gown

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Ainz Ooal Gown last won the day on July 18 2022

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  1. Be careful, when I "publicly shamed" Freezehud by saying "cretin" I got a one week ban.
  2. Wind (Int) Mastery Wind Claw Technique Bleeding Rank Increased from II to III. Keep Wind Claw Technique End Cast Time reduced from 0.7s to 0.5s. Revert Wind Shuriken Technique Cooldown Time reduced from 13/12/12 to 11/10/10. Keep Hurricane Blade Technique Base Damage reduced from 38/38/39 to 36/36/37. Keep Drilling Air Bullet Technique CP Cost reduced from 30 to 25 across all ranks. Keep As a wind user (and also many other classes) the new change to claw has made gameplay feel very cheesy. Claw was in a perfect place prior to this patch because players were able to PUNISH the jutsu. With the new changes, there is no counter play to the following scenario wind homing -> sub -> flicker claw -> int burst That 0.2 sec reduction gives wind users enough time to unload their kit for FREE. Run around rinse and repeat. It's effectively became the old GF combo but stronger. I implore you to revert the change, yes I agree Wind needed something to give the class some oomph, but giving wind claw a buff has effectively made the class broken. @Ueda@Antar@Erox@Naer
  3. As the title suggests, these weapons give too much to a player for a mere 15 points. In your own words @Ueda you do not like Cheese combos. A couple of patches ago you got rid of the Risky > Auto > Burst meta which you described as cheese. Currently with pipe users and fan users that have 60 ping + (It's a server issue) you can Flicker > Auto > Burst. Cheese combo with little to 0 outplay. I thought long and hard how to get rid of it and I came to the conclusion that these 20 str weapons that provide such easy CC to land needs to go. I propose an experimental change to see how the dynamics of the game changes. Unfortunately flicker auto will still remain for Fan users and bubble users to combo into free combos, but hey, one problem at a time.
  4. @Crusade you're famous what do u think
  5. Hands over 10 ryo WAIT! I clutch my 10 ryo and look behind me. Ainz hold up don't go on his boat it takes way too long. Oh it's the Sailor's son . Sorry kid but I gotta go kill Tanuki, I heard he has some cool bamboo hats and this is the fastest boat around...well it's the only boat around. What if I told you I've been working on my dad's designs for the past 5 years and have created a speedboat, one that takes you across the waters in HALF the time. I must not look so happy or else he'll charge me too much. Sure kid let me see this "speed boat". It'll cost you 100 ryo and get you there in 2 minutes. Kid...TAKE MY MONEY! Hope you guys enjoyed that, well that's the suggestion. Another boat that takes you to mist in 2 minutes and costs 100 ryo. Thoughts?
  6. Feast of Lightning : Lightning smite from the heaven on 1 player in a 7 tile range. If a player is hit, anyone in a 3 tile radius of that person (Up to 2 people) is also smited by lightning for half the damage. For example, main player is hit for 100, anyone in a 3 tile radius up to 2 people is damaged for 50. Nice original change to a jutsu that is considered underwhelming. Thoughts?
  8. This isn't Naruto. this is Nin online. There's about 100 things that aren't the same so this video doesn't mean much
  9. Creating this thread to show clips and I'll be rating them Best one gets 10k ryo from me. Clip should include a description too. E.g. 2v2 spar poor Jelly begging for help. 1v1 with Aketrash, he had a ring + cursed seal + cloak burst opportunity. P.s - Im using a crystal sword not Yamazaru. Enjoy p. s. s - Check his pms after I forgot about this one. @Sushieven as a GM you can't beat me.
  10. Make it so it doesn't cost a shuriken to use. It is a WIND shuriken, created from wind. Lightning senbon doesn't cost a senbon, nor should wind shuriken. Or else change lightning senbon to cost a senbon.
  11. Lvl 60 content. Right now there is 0 incentive to go out in danger zones. 4 tournaments are hosted which were bugged until recently. There's about 5 + big posts in suggestions with 20+ upvotes that haven't been looked at. I understand the need for a new village, yes it'll be great and fun but then what, you get lvl 60 in a new village and the problems will arise again. The bottom line is, there is nothing to do once you hit lvl 60. In most games when you reach end game you now have dungeons to complete, exclusive events to join, ranked gameplay. In nin you get to spar in your village because there are no pvp arenas to do so.
  12. Literally at the bottom of the priority list. There are way more important things to implement before a new village
  13. Those are just SOME examples. Your RP doesn't = other people's RP. Or else there is 0 creative thinking. Just because YOU don't see it as RP doesn't mean it isn't RP. Listen and listen carefully, it seems to me that GMs don't know what they are doing because there is no rule book in terms of RP. It's all passed down from 5 years ago "oh the 3rd hokage said this so it must be true" I get reported for shit that I didn't know was against the rules and when I asked Erox for these rules he told me to flap off and if I ask again I would get banned.