
Gold Ninja
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  1. Mist Village Invitationals - Effective from 8th Mizukage term. Roleplay lore: Mist village believes in rewarding the strong, enemy or not. Therefore in pursuit to find the strongest, the mist village occasionally hosts the "Mist Village invitationals", where ninjas from all factions (Sand, Leaf, Missing) are invited to participate inside the mist in different tournaments and challenges. Winners will be rewarded with Ryo prizes, and eternal glory, as there will be a leaderboard for results on each Invitational event. Invitationals will be announced 1 week prior to all villages. To participate: 1. Arrive at Mist and look for an MMPF officer or 7sm member, they will usually be at Totori or Mist GD 2. You must pay 50 ryo to enter the event (mist players can enter for free) 3. Once inside the village, you must keep pvp on. This is a safety precaution 3. Listen to the MMPF officers instructions to join the events Our esteemed 7SM and MMPF will be guarding the event closely so all guests and villagers are safe. Villages may still raid during this time, but it is not recommended as 7sm, HN and MMPF will be guarding + scouting at the relevant entry points. IF a village raids during this time, any villagers participating will have to leave the mist village territory ASAP or be killed (they will also be eligible from rewards). Invitationals also have extra challenges for players: 1. TBA There will also be 1v1 challenges to fight our Lord Mizukage and high ranking Bloody Mist villagers. These challenges will cost 100 ryo but the payout will be 10x if you win! For our main event we will host different tournaments (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc. but the full agenda will always be announced prior to the Invitational Event.)
  2. Mist bribes feature - Effective from 8th Mizukage term. We have introduced a new RP feature as mist during the 8th Mizu term! Mist bribes! Roleplay lore: AS mist village ninja are known to be brutal and careless, with only the regard for power or capital, ranked mist players can be bribed to complete mist missions (Mist Survey, Mist Spa, Mist Docs, Mist Spy). What happens: 1. If you have a mission inside the mist village, and wish to pay for safe completion inside mist territory, look at the bounty book 2. Find a Chunin+ ranked ninja OR an MMPF officer (mist military police force) 3. Message them telling them the mission you want to complete BEFORE arriving at mist port 4. Meet your host and pay at the port. The price list is as follows: Mist Survey - 100 Ryo Mist Spa - 150 Ryo Mist Docs - 250 Ryo Mist Spy - 250 Ryo EXTRA: As an MMPF Officer, If you spot a Chunin+ taking bribes, you can call them out on it and force them to split the bribe ! Keep in mind that this payment only guarantees safety inside of mist territory. Once you take the boat back to Asoki, it's fair game. If there is any scam committed by a mist player, please provide sufficient proof and you will be refunded by the mist treasury after investigation. This 'player driven' content feature serves multiple purposes. 1. It guarantees players who just want to complete a mist mission the access to do so, for a ryo fee. 2. Bribes are documented and split with the player and the treasury. It offers a reliable source of income to the mist treasury, which will be used to fund rewards for events (internal to mist AND external to mist) 3. It offers a more fun RP feature for the mist police force. Enjoy using this new feature to complete those long and risky missions!
  3. RedRum

    New swords

    The new fans are stronger than the new swords. The main problem with the balancing of these weapons at the moment is that gentle fist users can abuse these swords on top of the already game breaking mastery that they have. The fans in this game have a lower stat requirement to equip and to make things worse they both have a 3 tile RANGED melee which cc's, blood fan stuns which is even more broken.
  4. i wasnt camping any map lmfao. i wiped out 2 waves of leafies just trying to reach dark bridge but yall kept coming. Son, if you want to prove something or if any of your friends want to prove something, you are always welcome to come toad and we can fight without buffs. Also as i said before, the build i was using is so easy to beat, aint my fault you guys struggled, especially as a group lol thats on you.
  5. Bro, as long as you guys stop crying and trying to get me nerfed whenever i do something in this game, i dont care what you do or say about me. Getting a sword which is worth 100 ryo aint as big of an achievement as you guys think it is, especially when both our bounties are still intact. Its whatever helps you guys sleep at night though. Also my build is useless in any map, its literally a farming build and thats what i was trying to tell you guys in my last post,^ im glad you agree with me though.
  6. Sigh... I cant believe people actually lost vs ONLY Z+ 1 sub in a 4vs1 when i had 0 chakra and low hp and call themselves *good players that can 1vs3 when morale is high.* if i were in your shoes, i would've soloed the kiba player without even using a buff let alone lose a 4vs1 smh it aint that hard. Instead of coming onto the forums to complain about losing to a glass cannon farming build, go to village square and practise with each other and maybe youl learn how to beat me but i aint gonna sit here and show you how too, figure that one out yourselves. For the people talking about GF, Gentle Fist is a game breaking mastery that is also allowed to be used in tournaments, whereas i would have to spend 10 dollars on a restat to change to a viable build to just enter a tournament and then spend ANOTHER 10$ to restat back if we are talking about building around our sword buffs. Gentle Fist is easy to learn, easy to combo with and on top of that has very high burst damage without the need to spec alot of points into the strength stat, are you guys actually trying to defend this mastery right now? If you gave me access to a gentle fist account, all hell would break loose but i dont wanna do that to yall yet lol. I would literally smoke a kiba user with the same build as i had if i was a Gentle Fist in a 1vs1 because all i have to do is run away/around the kiba blasts until my instant 300+ damage flicker combo is back up its not like there is no cooldown on the swords melee, the kiba user would be dead in 2 flicker combos if they using the same build i had when i won the 4vs1. Gentle Fists kit also gives it access to stuns which deal strong damage and you can weapon switch to use the strongest swords obtainable in this game while you wait your cooldowns + pair it with weapon master which does not even require a stat split. Completely broken. @Orsus you are showing a 2 second video of standing still eating a free kiba blast, waiting for me to heal up from my medic and chakra regen, instead of dodging or pressing your sub button or even coordinating with your team, what good does that do for your case? Stop the constant complaining on forums every time something happens to you guys in game, looks like you guys are just reaching. Also @Akebono in your post you state that you were hunting with a person that can apparently 1vs3 when hes feeling good (unbuffed) but you come here and complain about me when im better than said person in game in general and on top of that im buffed using a 7sm sword, why is he allowed to 1vs3 without a buff but i get complaints when i do so with a buff that i earned? Also incase you do not know, to equip a 7sm sword you need minimum 80 str and kiba does not even scale off str it scales off int so to do heavy damage with it you need to lose out alot in other areas, i do not recommend this in general as opponents who are good/top tier at the game will take advantage of that. In conclusion, you guys lost that fight because you did not make the right plays together, there was no teamwork and i saw alot of wrong movement and positioning decisions and took advantage of all of that.