
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Quips

  1. Welcome to the game Slifer and Hyach! Hyach, if you're a new player as Kazekage, make sure you pick sand for the authentic immersion experience to go with your robes and hat.
  2. I welcome you to the game, as the hip and happening player of Oson Island! (Don't @ me Zabuza)
  3. Lets not get further off track and let this thread descend into anarchy. That said, agree completely with the suggestion, please make it so. Save a Quips today.
  4. Only the pure sanctity of taijutsu or a Fuuma Shuriken from Tekkey can save us.
  5. I might be remembering this incorrectly, but if I recall the point of having a limited number of jutsu slots was so people would have to think about which jutsu they actually needed in their arsenal, more so when advanced was going to release. Those with advanced combinations would have less slots for forbidden jutsu than those who were solo with a combination that didn't have advanced. (Or something like that?) Which in turn would have led to the diversity of jutsu (Or just people grabbing the best/meta choices) that you were hoping for.
  6. I kind of feel like wind is fine as it is right now, and the recent changes should be left for awhile (not just regarding wind, but the changes to WM, Tai, Med, GF etc) so we can see how the game looks a few weeks from now before looking into anything else that might need nerfed or buffed. Although, while I don't think it's needed, it is odd that wind seems to be the only element that has a jutsu that doesn't evolve at a higher level. Atrane had a fun suggestion, maybe could add piercing to the wind shuriken (but that might be a bit too much)
  7. Any chance you can screenshot the error? If it's the same windows pop up I usually get when downloading nin, you should be able to click "more info" then "run anyway"
  8. As long as the genjutsu in question had a decent stat requirement and cooldown so it isn't abused by 1v1 masteries (GF, agi tai, WM etc) that would be fun, even if admittedly it does sound cool to randomly find yourself in a barren genjutsu staring down someone holding a large scythe. It would be cool to see jutsu with more utility, or status's outside the status quo. A random suggestion I had for Crescent Moon Beheading Technique was for the jutsu to actually execute the enemy if it was the finisher, as in they can't be revived, the jutsu is still dog tier overall, but it would be interesting to see. Or bubble's level 30 jutsu putting the user in a bubble, slightly increased movement speed with the added bonus of floating over tags/bear traps etc. (Not an actual suggestion for the jutsu, just a random thought to share regarding jutsu outside the norm...Although it would be nice to actually be able to catch up to people and map lock them lmao, god knows if someone runs from a bubble user they've got no jutsu or options outside of kunais to lock them...Or spit, but you'd really have to stretch for that)