
Gold Ninja
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  1. Devil


    Great, I can't wait to be a part of it
  2. Devil


    Jun on the Track!
  3. The stat buff is really overrated by the community, Akatsuki fights outnumbered all the time and thanks to Homings and undodgeable combos winning a 1v5 is very very unlikely even if your are far more skilled. There is little to nothing that you can do to avoid being outnumbered. Unlike village orgs they do not have any backup from a 3rd party. The Ring needs something like slight HP / Chakra Regen instead of pure stats.
  5. Thats all i wanted to hear, I accept your appology and i know that I was going too far in the Nin discord and I appolgize for my toxic behaviour aswell.
  6. Watch the Video and be objective
  7. Your biggest flaw is that you cannot take any Game related criticism without having a mental breakdown. !mute Zealot 300 Days xd
  8. nIcE rp BRO