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About Quilp


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    Takumi Village

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Ninja Bio

Name: Quilp

Clan: Hoshi

Village: Kirigakure


Hello there, I'm Quilp of the Hoshi clan, i specialize in Bubble ninjutsu 



Don't let looks fool you these are deadly monsters T^T



Grinding with pipe early on can prove to be quite arduous T^T, overtime my soap bubble technique evolved and Gained a piercing attribute, it helps quite a lot.



Throughout my time grinding i made a few friends such as @Whixer, @Hel and @Hangetsu, it's kinda reassuring to know that in case i stumble my buddies got my back.



Well as I went farther my mission Grew more and more difficult, most of them require me to infiltrate other villages, i can't exactly get into enemy territory undetected due to my mediocre cloak, so i came to the decision to go rouge so i could get the strength i was lacking.



Takumi Takumi, there is no one word to describe a place like this, it's a fun place tbh, cheaper tools etc, but it's pretty tense tbh, u never know who's going to come and kill u next, an enemy villager or more times another rouge ninja.



Lmao, some of these rouge missions are pretty difficult to pull off alone apart from infiltration and hunting, one such mission is snow wolf hunt, but i'm happy to say after like 10 minutes i got the hang of it, it takes time tho. Bubble shark is a pretty nice technique i must say :3



I finally managed to get myself a summon, I decided on a clam, it's pretty unique it's unable to move but it packs one hell of a stun i tell ya, I decided to call her Karen UwU. thx to @Takeda Chiyome for letting me level my clam on her :3 



Tbh, i thought this leveling was gonna take a while, it was leveling at a fast rate tbh, but @Kronkaro taught me an even faster way, also thx to the citizens of takumi for lining up and helping me, u all have my thanks, thanks to u guys karen grew to adult size



OwO Karen a big gurl nuw



Did the "Revenge on Kraken" mission with @Korva recently, it was pretty difficult But we managed to pull it off somehow, i lured the beast to the other side of the sea while korva attacked a tentacle, making it more manageable, @Snake even joined in later and we helped he.. him to complete it as well, it was pretty fun



 When I became rouge, I joined the organization known as "Eclipse", an organization created by @Sakatsu , it was originally an org of Gentle Fist users who Joined forced to devastate the battle field with their flicker combos hoping that their power would get noticed and Gentle fist on a whole nerfed, but, eventually it became a kind of safe haven for mist rouges who went rouge during the depression era through which Fletch ruled as Kage, nowadays however we have severed our ties with mist becoming solely a rouge org, we have yet to find our purpose bit i know one thing for sure, it'll be a hell of a ride trying to find it.



Finally after all the trials and tribulations I've went through on this Journey, I've finally made it to level 50, well i won't stop till I eventually reach level 60 but 50 is a milestone of it own, I sorta feel a sense of accomplishment. Of course when you reach to 50 you get the option of selecting a second mastery, but i won't choose any, pretty lame ikr but at the end of the day all i really need is my trusty pipe to get the job done UwU



So.... I recently went back to kiri to participate in a clan event. Thought they were few I met some of my fellow hoshi brethren, they turned out to actually be nice people once you get to know them.



After the Clan event I felt at home in the village once more, and my sense of commitment had been rekindled. So I remain in kiri up to this day subjugating the tanuki and defending it from invading ninja.



I have currently been on a quest of obtaining a brown bamboo hat, I have been in the Bamboo Forest day-in and day-out trying to turn this dream of mine into a reality. So far I have obtained both green and blue hats, but doing so has only further ignited my passion and determination.
