
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Light

  1. To me leveling experience has always been just another Mobile-Game. You log in, check for best missions and log out. Social aspect is the greatest design of this game that keeps old players around and brings in new players.
  2. There should be a time stamp on each invidual item when the price has been updated. For example not too far ago I was selling blanks from 600 to 800 each. Regardless this is very informative to new players.
  3. Yo I see myself dominating the bounty list in that trailer, that has to be the best trailer so far.
  4. Progress is progress. Kazekage office bothers you as well!
  5. This is great news. Leaf forgets there are things to come for them as well. Unfortunately 90% are leaf and can’t think ahead of time.
  6. Is lightning ever going to be a fast mastery, why it doesn’t excel in small fights aka 1v1 as described in-game? Are there any plans changing the description that future players are not misslead as well? For research you can look up Miki vs Kaguya Light.
  7. New clan entry /w new idea Clan name: Ion Clan leader: Light Village: Sand Village Aeon in Japanese Ion イオン "An indefinite and very long period of time." Part of the ideals and norms are inherited from the ancestors of Sand Village. You have to know the past to understand the present to embrace the secrets within. -Carl Sagan What makes this clan unique is the fact that your account has to be X-amount old and/or level capped to learn the secret forbidden jutsu if you were at first Non-Clan. Clan jutsu being Doujutsu "Hikari" that turns their eyes blue momentarily as proof of their purity compared to other similar Doujutsu. Their hairstyle is pure white as they've aged during their Nin-Online adventure and normally their eyes are gray as activation of Hikari decreases their regular sight. With age comes great wisdom and their soul has been purified from darkness by light. The clan members are battle conditioned true veterans of different combat situations and shinobi wars. All this leads to the fact that they've studied every single taijutsu and ninjutsu -style carefully. Activation of Hikari decreases all incoming damage by -20% for 1-minute as their vision becomes more clear and they can read their opponents movements and act accordingly. Cooldown on the doujutsu is 3-minutes. Chakra cost is -55cp. There will be more detailed clan introduction in case this clan is found appealing.
  8. This is great news to our community. I don't enjoy dealing with same people under different names without knowing who they are.
  9. Non-Clan should have their benefits as well. The clan concept in general is good.
  10. Out of curiosity did the event host use actual chart to rate them or it was to your own liking? Either way gg, was fun.
  11. Once upon time light faded in to the darkness, however his Ninjas were so enlightened that the curtain of night fell upon their enemies. At that time they could celebrate once more all together in Valhalla.
  12. FREE @Yukimura immediately you damned Nin Thot.
  13. When I am selected as Kazekage I will improve Sand Villages healthcare and education etc. So far we’ve had a school system that is from the middle-ages. Children go to school by age of 15 and finish their studies by age of 16. Everyone can understand that by now its a every ninjas right to gain education that is on par with the missing-ninja, their feudal lord is truly on top of his game. What comes to healthcare mostly due to our small taxes most that return from their missions or battlefield are left on their own while still being battle-injured, that will be sorted out. About our allies I will promote all Neo-Akatsuki to full fledged Akatsuki members as a thanks for constructing reliable solar panel system to all accross Sand-Village which allows us to provide consistent electricity to all of our inhabitants. Leaf village will be awarded the Ninja-Nobel award for always trying to find a way for peace treaty which is a formidable perk to possess. We’ve bright future ahead of us if you vote for me, massive Exiles incoming. Light
  14. Sweet! Can’t wait for nino being worth of my time once more.
  15. Throwback to when i played nin lol
  16. Congratz to everyone! Finally an exam where most can be happy instead of salty.
  17. Sweet updates! @Rory Can't wait for the casino! Also increasing lightning damage with water as combination.
  18. Found one! EDIT: Rip Teasky brothers, their famous last words are as follows.
  19. If I can finally wear my leaf chunin vest with this update to mess with newbs, I'm all for it.
  20. Sweet, seems like a dope event! Happy holidays everyone!
  21. My ranks will be Sand only as so will my heart. I wouldn't be a Leaf superior even if I was paid.
  22. We faced many difficulties as a cohensive unit, we conquered them all together. My only regret is that I've only one life to share with everyone. We will grow only stronger from this point onward. You are all special to me, Thank you. ~Kaguya Light Lord 5th Kazekage

  23. I barely see anyone giving constructive criticism either way. Its always "Do X over Y", stating only our opinions isn't going to help us to get anywhere. To be honest we should be somewhat happy that Rory communicates with the community over not at all. Also he gives us the best memes, what more do we need?
  24. This is a type of discussion... You only scratched the surface. In general yeah, be nice to everyone. Doesn't matter if Academy student or Game developer.
  25. I guess my login isn't fixed before this event, have fun guys.