Anna Primal

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Anna Primal

  1. i fully agree even if new client comes it would be hard to do mapswitch but still possible this would make it easier
  2. i can record it when i hunt it happens to me with or without summon many times
  3. i dont mind buff but remove the interupt and snare effect it to op and is used by most non bubble user let the 80 strenght pipe do that
  4. the mask and bone sword unqeuip bug when mapswitching thing has nothing to do with summons it happens randomly and it a new bug after the gun event started.
  5. it was the same issue with the hat boss ppl guess until it was found out but in this case the enemy has side adds
  6. bro you suck ass in pvp carriedby:144fps and good ping,water/wind,second sub,pipe,high damage so dont compair your self to me who has meele hits as the msot meta thing about me .
  7. feast and chidori should get buff the rest are fine
  8. no chidori still sucks ass it need a rework to work for 1vs1
  9. the issue is all now have a big boss near there spawn point rogue = bone boss,sand=weasel,mist temple=raccon fella ,leaf=rat king
  10. chidori and cutter are the same ?
  11. the issue here is simple non of us have the same fps and ping and play and get diffrent results out of if and we play wih diffrent masteries
  12. i think the weasel is at the nice location and bring more ppl to the dz well wz of sand
  13. it not the best combo element honestily medic and wind and water combos are stil lbetter second masteries
  14. fps and ping depends is unfair and carries a lot of players it makes i even go as far to say increase in winning 40% chance but that it while ppl said the new sever will fix thinks it didnt . honestlyi dont know what it truly is but fps help cast jutsus fast much faster and fps can make oyu move a bit faster too but ping help a lot in overall too how to fix that maybe new client but we will see i doubt the new server made us all a bit more stable and a bit faster but if oyu make a na player fast and a eu player the na player will still out run the eu player (unless the na player plays on 30 fps and eu on 144 fps) at least so it seem imo.
  15. a bit too much i agree lightign need a change and a big boi buff but this is a bit overdoing it
  16. strenght for wm who uses swords and int if you wanna use tools but you cant have both since they share cc
  17. we need a gm(eu gm) one who has the time for that first
  18. i be fine if each ring was seeable but other wise it be going to fight be op
  19. but you are hunted 24/7 like i fought you 2 hour ago .