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Voxa last won the day on January 11 2022

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  1. At night, I stalk the Leaf . . . meet me in the park, if you dare, come out and play . . . *drip drip drip*
  2. Rework some of LOI missions - in the past collecting mission were nerfed not to feel impossible (cbk's / ww's / Bloodpuppets were all toned down to be semi easier solo) - do the same with LOI missions. As a Tai / Str WM user, collecting 100 plus iron pieces, leopard tails, killing 200 plus high lvl mobs is ridiculous and torturing, hence why so few players have actually attempted to play LOI. This will make leveling from 52- ish to 60 semi bearable.. Ty for reading Making Mist more active - yes this issue is more of a curse at this point - but go back to the root question... Why do most mist mains go rogue? Its all about distance. ST / Bandits is more or less the Centre of the NIN world - running from Takumi / Leaf / Sand to Bandits is more or less the same distance. BUT Mist is its own little empty world. - Making the distance and running time for Misties the same as other villages to the centre will make some consider staying mist imo.. Here are 2 possible fixes: 1) make boat ride free and instant from port to port for Misties, - other non Mist Pay and take 3 min ride. or 2) Delete the port and boat system, with ocean maps all together and make it like 1 large CF / Big desert sized ocean map between Bears and Mist Foxes.
  3. @Erox @Ueda Hi yall! With the introduction of Titles, and the new system where one can toggle certain titles to show or not, I thought this could really work great with Clan names. Many players, including me, dislike long names showing above your characters (Your name). Hence many players make characters and don't even choose a clan because of this reason...- for example they prefer it to show "Luhan" in game and not "Muteki Luhan". Sooo why not make the clan names a toggle like titles, where the player can decide whether or not it shows when you hover over the character in game? Toggle to enable / disable it showing:
  4. Voxa


    Welcome to Nin Online, almost all masteries have useless and outdated jutsus, its part of this game, balancing is off the table since one dude determines it all and doesn't even play the game unfortunately.... Nin is designed to give its players these useless jutsus just to fill your key binds. 2022 game name should actually be Weapon Online or Buff Online.. So don't even bother posting on Forums - cheers
  5. All jokes aside xD - I logged out at toad with 2 of my accounts - (Account X and Y) logged into Y after about 2 hours, surprised to see that my other account (X) is still standing at toads (as if its logged on, but it's not). I logged off Y and tried to log on to account X that was still standing still at toads - didn't work. Logged back into account Y and killed my stuck account (X) - to see if it spawns at Hosp - maybe its fixed?... didn't work xD Any help of feedback @Erox @Ueda @TheWolf Btw this is the account that is stuck ' "Luhan" aka account X
  6. Voxa

    My spar list

    Macro Champ! Cheers!
  7. haha @LionGod fr brother this looks so modern and would fit well with the lower part face masks!
  8. Zoomed and In-game Reference: @Ueda Does this fit in Nin? (inspired from the NPC Duke)
  9. Yami is living proof that @Ueda listens to players suggestions from time to time.
  10. U deserve double silver for this post! - NERF CLAW / BRING BACK VACUUM
  11. Hi everyone! ^^ So In the picture below, is a concept (open to any ideas from anyone) on how to possiblebly adjust and improve the Takumi River Map. Basically If you are not a Mist Ninja with the passive - many others know the struggle of water combat. Hence to make the map more balanced and capable of huge team fights - that are not pill dependent - why not add small pieces of islands / grass which enables chakra charges. This will make the combat more fluid and not one sided - giving players coming from top side (bees) and bottom side am equal shot - fair fights. Green - indicates places where cha can be charged (Left current map / Right side - new concept)
  12. Ohh yeah! that would be insane! maybe in the map next to snow wolfs? too me this black armor makes the dog look "ANBU-ish"