
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Music

  1. Now my creative juices have been flowing these past couple days for god knows what reason but we all know the temple at mist where the tanuki it's guardian i presume is.. Now this temple look pretty massive as shown down below in the screenshots and i was thinking hmmm surely this leads either somewhere behind the temple too mountains with pandas?! When you kill a certain amount of ghosts the back door will pop open! Some content similair too puppets in sand you feel me or a second option would be that if you kill a certain amount of evil spirits a floorboard opens up under the box to an entirely new you hit the box that will say there seems to be a gap below this box care too explore? (pictures down below for refference!
  2. Music


    I have been thinking about this for a while and it would be nice too have a custom slot on your character for an heirloom. Now there would be 2 Types of heirlooms i would like to introduce as a start, For PvP And for PVE. The PVE ones would be inspired by luck and the PVP once would be inspired by historic battles taken place in the past (P.S. the effects these will give are just mock up and could be heavily adjusted if ever implemented.) Rabbit's foot : Said to be lost by one famous hunter renown in the lands of nin. ( 0.5% droprate boost ) Crystal Necklace : a rare crystal gem like necklace worn by many leaders around the ninja world. ( Charge chakra at an increasingly rapid pace ) Broken Oni Mask : A mask worn by the secret elite that used to roam the lands of nin. ( 10% chance too gain 250 HP at point of death instantly ) Hunters Knife : a sacred knife used for decades for multiple purpose survival ( Damage against NPCs buffed by 5% ) Now these heirlooms are very rare, they would be an universal drop but with lower droprate then any item ingame. Make them super rare! If you think this is a good idea please let me know what you think and it can be worked out by the community and potentially staff members! Don't forget to upvote
  3. I love the idea of creating weapon skins for nin tbh it's something that could make your character stand out and adding them in as drops is such a nice way to implement it, one can hope
  4. I have noticed these 3 bowls of water inside the ants cave and this could be like a LoI mission but for lower lvls - collect water from each bowl and bring it back too set NPC inside the time limit! ( monk guarding the temple at tanuki)
  5. Thanks rory, now that all the changes are happening it's nice to see nin online is becoming an all round game and upgrading the forums is part of that.. it seems my nin arc is not ending yet!
  6. I can always have somebody make something if rory wants something like this although i've already had some swords made for nin and they have yet to be added
  7. How would you guys feel about a miniboss like rat kage but instanced for mist area? Red Ant Queen Just hit the rock in the picture down below and a text will pop up - Slip past the rock and explore further down the cave? Which then will teleport you into an instanced room like the spider boss (lvl 30 boss)
  8. So what about a bubble bomb as the lvl 30 jutsu? where u can throw a large bubble in the direction of an opponent and it explodes on impact or after a certain duration of floating? this bubble bomb would shoot 1 bubble each in all cardinal directions. Like beautiful painting down below
  9. Music


    Hey i never did any of these, my name is Mokuchi or romy, nice too meet you OwO
  10. Cheers for the hard work guys, we know alot of the community gives you shit for not working at their desired pace but that doesn't mean we appreciate all the effort you put in nin online, good work you and wolf!
  11. Solid interview, poggies!
  12. Since it's been a while since my little ratkage has been added i wanted to refresh the idea of the next demi boss in rory's head. I am there present you as the image shown below another demi boss - too make it possible for players lvl 30 + too join enter the crevice in the wall (becomes visible after hitting lvl 30 ). I already have a drop in mind that is being comissioned at this moment and wanted to have it belong to something special instead of just adding it onto another NPCs Drop table, have them work for it! (can comission a NPC aswell if possible that fits with the drop i have in mind for this boss). Ofcourse this lair is filled with just not a new boss but also with stronger version and very toxic version of the big scarab protecting our demi boss friend.
  13. Add an open for items you have in bulk too have a rightclick Add X amount option, small quality of life update.
  14. Why are people still using config file when you can adjust keybinds ingame? o.o
  15. Just nerf this shit already and lock it too bubble and str fan users
  16. Our spar area... desecrated....
  17. People use that GF excuse alot, while a gf with like 90 str hits 30 melees... scaling for agi and str melee are ass... buff GF melees and ill consider it a weapon PS : nerf pipe and fan, shit is broken and triple wind bullet hits aswell
  18. I noticed that only the melee with the poison pipe gives the poison effect, can you make it if users are using that pipe which already requires 80str atleast has poison on all the techs aswell while using that pipe? sure thats not too much too ask for, ty