
Gold Ninja
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  1. Nin Online / Features (Optional) There's advanced masteries Cloud village added and let me explain why, people are always saying the game doesn't need this and that but why not? what if it lures more players back into the game? could be good in a business sense and for people who have always wanted to play there? the reasoning as to not having enough players isn't valid #add CLOUD Changes (Optional) Stamina Tweaked to scale better or possibly unlimited stamina when outside of PVP. Kraken boss having small islands on the map and less health making it more farm-able and droprate adjusted with it since farming it will be less of a hassle!
  2. Jugos hair which the GMs already have access too :V
  3. You know there was always rumor of nin being used to mine crypto, why else is it using 70% GPU lol, think it might actually be true
  4. Keyword is GPU Idk why i made the post tbh, they dont care lol time for uninstall
  5. Can the owner of the game explain why after months of backend work to make the game run better, nin online uses more GPU then new world does lol a whole 70%
  6. And thanks too 11 for reminding me about the dungeons idea Below you see some results as to what the community possibly wants but i wanted to get a more indebt poll and more specific on topics at hand, please vote
  7. No way, it's almost like this hasn't been suggested before, maybe this time they will read it ! ( don't get your hopes up)
  8. Hello i require a closeup cause my blind a s s can not see this
  10. Not the only thing that needs a rework for LoI, mobs outside are way to tanky forcing you to do this as a team. For the bosses i understand but up untill that point that entire questline is a pain in the art, lower the mobs HP across the board and lower the amount of items requiered ie : beaks,iron,tails- Good suggestion nonetheless.