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  1. Thank you for the explenation I'd also like to add that there are EU's that do hit scalpels even if you just run diagonally and yes ik you said MOST players, but the fact that EU players can land is still weird to me. I agree with the fact that the "flicker carried" medics (not gonna call anyone out *cough* sinnerman special *cough*) will get most of their scalpel damage from flicker but now with auto turning everyone and their mother can scalpel combo no flicker needed (as well as off sub). Which is why I suggested the extneded scalpel cd and nerf to base damage and the stun. It doesn't need the stun if you can already use it as an interrupt. That way good players can still utilize scalpel without seeing much of a drastic change. The only ones seeing a drastic change will be the ones relying on that scalpel punish/stun. And while all these changes may seem overkill I think that decreasing the base damage and making the DOT stronger would make it so that applying dots would be something medics would focus more on as thats what the mastery is supposed to be about. Agree to disagree ofc, this is all IMO.
  2. This is a lie. Diag scalpel combo's are fully possible even by EU's (I can confirm Im EU) Its a jutsu that is busted rn and needs a nerf. How you go about nerfing it though is a different story. I suggest bringing back the old scalpel with the 8sec cd and old hitbox (except for the 2 extra tiles on the sides) just make it hit a lil harder with poison dots while nerfing overall damage and make it silence instead of stun GG.
  3. I really like the macro idea as well as the quickcast emote idea small stuff that might make the game a lot more enjoyable.
  4. Tell him steezo! HARASSING WORLD!
  5. Ay this sounds like a cool idea but people already have the skin so it would be a bit conflicting, all up to how y'all want it I guess.
  6. Clown

    Weekly Event-1

    Sinnerman 56 Earth/med
  7. Do not waste your money on this! Instead save your money like me and many of colleagues did and start investing! With forex you're guaranteed to make money quick and become a millionaire in just a couple of months like me!
  8. I imagine the buffs themselves would have visual cues (maybe not a colored aura as it looks disgusting, it could just be some glowing around the head in the color of the ring you're wearing. You're acting as if this is some kind of huge buff, it only buffs smaller group plays which is good for the akatsuki as we are not meant to be a 10 man group but rather 2 man pairs working under the same goal/objective. It is an interesting point to discuss though.
  9. Once again, It is not a buff its a change, in one way its a nerf and in another way its a buff. This idea would kinda ruin 10 man akatsuki hunts which keep in mind were never the point of akatsuki anyway. I think you tunnelvision on the fact that these rings do get buffs for themselves. While yes the rings themselves do get stronger the underlying conditions he is asking for would overall nerf the akatsuki itself HOWEVER it would encourage smaller group play and as I stated it would encourage a stronger "resolve" to go after akat in dz.
  10. I think it isn't a big buff, it's more of a rework which encourages smaller group gameplay (especially with the friendly fire) I think it works way better. Of course if we're being realistic this won't get implemented as nobody is gonna be bothered to code this. That being said there are some changes that could be made seeing as some rings get nice buffs/passives and some simply just get ones that are already in the game (such as the charge chak on water buff). In general I think this would be an alternative rework to what we have now which could be fun and seeing as nerfs are also considered I don't see this being as OP. And yes akatsuki should be recruited based of their strength I agree with your point HOWEVER the point that rumaki is trying to get across is that smaller group hunts arent being encouraged enough and as it stands it doesnt matter if 6 buffed up akatsuki go out as they will encounter buffed up zergs with way bigger numbers. There is simply no incentive for them to go out as they have to wait 30 minutes in dangerzones for 16 villagers to come out. If the villagers get 80% of their bounty even in safezones its gonna encourage them to go after akatsuki faster without the need to gather up with a big zerg.