
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Sukki

  1. nope my mate i dont want outplay you i want fair play on every side why noone complain about takumi bosses ? coz they dont drop new item that's the key
  2. like i said after edit thing is that boss is on wz so it's easy to outplay group of players have eye on it mate
  3. bad good thing is it's the only boss which sand obait so dont make problems from it please and "too close to sand maps" every boss is almost next to you takumi inside village rat inside village boneboss MISSING SPAWN tanuki 4 maps from village sand 3 maps from village so it's not problem sand boss is hard as hell to farm because you can team only cpl of ppl bcs of wz so it's easy to kill group of people who farming
  4. I mean leafies have Rat boss Takumi have Gafuki/bone boss mist have tanuki and kraken and guren sand had 0 bosses before so where is problem bring army and secure wz if you want kill it nothing else
  5. i think yami need's help he want to balance not only pvp but also cosmetics XD
  6. First coz you are looking only at 1v1 main problem we have team fights also here in our lovely game plus you are jun a reset man go play longer than half a year on 1 mastery combo and we can talk plus from A you cant beat 5 from 7 so /y
  7. Sukki


    i mean lighting should for sure get's at least dmg boost because "high dmg mastery" which doing less dmg than water (small joke XD) About whole things like make lighting cc longer or running cutter or running feast xD no boys it's fine Lighting as lighting have really high chakra costs what hurt's a bit and it dont make it benifitable CC of lighting is op cutter + pillars is really long cc chain which makes people sometimes lose 60/70% of their own hp Dmg of lighting for example Let's me show how dmg looks like 100 int lighting senbon 86 dmg chakra cost 13 Lighting spear 86 dmg chakra cost 17 Earth Earth pillar 78 dmg chakra 18 cost (and it's run homming) Earth split 94 dmg chakra 35 (same type of jutsu as spear diffrence you jsut getting selfstunned for 0.5 sec) Wind Wind shuriken 87 dmg chakra cost 10 Wind scythe 93dmg + 10 or 12 bleed chakra cost 22 Fire Fire bullets 87 dmg + 35 burn 30 chakra cost Big flame bullet 110+35 burn dmg chakra cost 20 (same situation like with earth split the only diffrence is selfstun) Water Water bullets 87 dmg chakra cost 30 water slash 89 dmg chakra cost 20 and you will say ok but in that case lighting jutsus are cheaper than rest Yes you are totally right but let's recount all normal combos where you add all jutsus Lighting 236 cp Water 192 (with sub) Earth 164 Wind 187 Fire 200 (with vortex and firewall) So after all lighting jutsus cost the most cp in all elemental masteries what is sick and they still doing less dmg Lighting jutsus should get a small dmg boost thanks
  8. @Esty my bad you should be C or B didnt notice
  9. wings tradable or nah ?
  10. imagine taking it by heart word to word son please do you see many people nonwind with fan ? exactly
  11. rats are there from years leaf was first village son it is what it is and what xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @Ueda i think man find a way again to spam fan atack 30000000 hits per sec :)(
  12. numbers have tons to what you just post MOST DISADVANTAGE numbers are big advantage little boya
  13. then time to leave hospital more often mate gf is as weapon i said already rory should lock tools for masteries nothing else and noone gonna cry anymore and what have numbers to do with this hmm imagine 20 sands in teamfight with born assasin vs usually 30/40 leafies with wof which reviving 8 of them XD
  14. 2/3 tiles didnt get to this xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD < all i can say about this idea
  15. your weapon is gf wof is biggest drag in the whole world i dont get it leafies getting it x1243123412515 times per hunt you have numbers that's all lock post ty
  16. they can reset 1 mastery not 2 mate
  17. And you see you are new in that game there are people which waited like 3 years for adv and they passed it with SINGLE Mastery have in mind that med beside int solo path and chakra path plus tai have no other adv people just get bored of waiting im not saying that everyone should get mastery reset but meds for sure
  18. rory was saying that medics will get mastery reset not gfs XD
  19. XD this is day when this style get created just btw < thats you
  20. oh my copy changed hair color
  21. @Erox specially for you new one it sounds a bit same coz it have to hard to change history which is created but i added much more info + some latest time hf Almost forgot WE ARE STILL HERE BEWARE one funny screen from hunting also