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Sukki last won the day on March 15 2024

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  • The White Nightmare Of Suna

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  1. Suna Laws 1. Do not kill or attack another Sand Ninja for any reason. This includes directly causing them to die with manipulating surroundings (such as leading a bunch of mobs to them and then cloaking away) This does not include killing them in a mutually agreed upon spar. 2. You must aid a fellow Sand Ninja. Of course, there is situation where you can't be helping a fellow Sand Ninja wich is understandable but you must do your best. Do not place a bounty on a Sand Ninja. Do not assist the enemy against Sand Ninja in any way. 3. Verbal harassment is not tolerated. If someone is breaking Nin Online rules, take it up with the GM's. It's not the player's responsibility to deal with this. (Do note, SMPF officers are able to jail you for general toxicity). Two jailing's result in a strike. Three strikes is an exile! 4. Respect and follow the commands of your ranked superiors. Here's a reminder of the chain of command : TITLES : Kage -> ANBU Leader -> Council -> PB Leader -> Police Chief -> MedCorp Leader RANKS : Kage -> Jonin -> Chunin -> Specialized Jonin -> Genin -> Academy Students In general, title > rank. 5. You must respect the village and its members. 6. Above all, respect and follow the orders of the Kazekage. These are general rules to follow, the severity of punishments are to be decided after meetings. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PARDONS Pardon fee is 1k ryo up to 10k ryo. It is up to me if i want to pardon you or not. Do not force me to do anything in DMs First Day of my Term im pardoning anyone without any Fee PEACE LIST Sand have no peace list. Feel free to kill anyone who is not a sandie. No paying for missions for leafies Misties are up to you boiz Hail the king!
  2. Comparing puppets to other buffs such as 7sm 12g or even akatsuki they look like a joke. Let's be serious puppets, if they use a jutsu that HIT the opponent, it's a national holiday. (let's not forget this fat art puppets are 3 tile width so 1 tripples rn are crushing them ) The stats of the puppet brigade compared to other organizations are +15 to vitality where even anbu gets +30 stats if they only wear a sword, even if we play without it we get exactly the same stats as the puppet brigade +15 meanwhile pb (am I a joke to you?) 7 swords have overpowered auto attacks and or (+20 to stat or +10 to all stats or even + 50 like samehada). 12 diapers have such sustain from their skill that there are no words to describe it, you literally have to kill the guy twice. Not even have to mention + 75 stats for akat A stat boost, at least to even out the stats like +30 fort, is the bare minimum this organization deserves
  3. That was best times of this game when we were able to make orgs with friends only and make content for a game. But what izuno said trust me or him delp would do it in one day for this game but first rory and erox need to want it Motivate poeple to play this game not opposite way thanks Let's org come back to the game
  4. i would do it with pleasure if not old nin disc general get's deleted and you are right you dont have to be serious all the time my friend but anyone can say that. After what you doing on forum all the time is annoying sad and if that whole posts are joke someone have to tell ya that (pssst they are not funny) I dont mean to offend you brother but ya just told us "during the full 19 years of my life" you need to start thinking then what can be funny and what is monotonous and tiring (and yes by this posts) etc you are doing that. Peace love \/
  5. all im gonna say is: if you never touched any drugs etc explain me situations: - Telling rory to killhimself - Mother dms to rory to unban you - Making x12314142311514 acc's and identities and hiding around Im not on any side of this im just wondering please explain
  6. Sukki

    7sm swords

    So overall after nerfs from like 1y ago some swords need a little love samehada dmg is small compare to other 7sm swords and it hits single target like every other normal sword 10% steal of chakra (edit it doesn't even steal chakra it's just add chakra to you but dont take it from opponent) 50+ chakra nothing beside it small dmg buff would be nice for it. Himarakei So basically the nerf for dmg was right everyone agree with it 120 hits with tank build were not funny joke XD. But overall actuall scaling is a joke what i mean by this Hiramekarei is capable of storing chakra. With the command "Hiramekarei Unleashing" so overall sense of scaling with intellect is just meh idea the best possible option is not boosting dmg or adding new mech to it just change the scaling from Intellect to Chakra Kiba Boosted lighting spear stun on really long range which hits hard (cough) (small scaling nerf cough) That's From observations for now Thanks @Erox @Ueda
  7. make it sellable back and problem solved
  8. totally agree it's a bit sad that to get some drops you have to be lvl "20-30" "30-40" make it open for everyone please
  9. make cell how it was 2s cast time no speedy gonzales edition we had already 1s cast time of cell and it wasnt too good
  10. you are right its nin online not naruto but this jutsu works the same look at small animation you have shuriken in the middle of "wind buff" so for me it's fine but w/e it will cost shuri or not all this change will do is more shuri to use as shurikens anyway MEDIC BUFF WHEN ?
  11. ask rory he may been doing some services prob for $
  12. Sukki


    would be nice but also would be nice if they add it as optional. Pink color sometimes can make you feel dizzy.