Kyojin Alarnin

Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Kyojin Alarnin

  1. Even as a conspect art it looks dope and would be awesome to see that in game. Since most of people plays mostly for pvp, that Divisions should be best option for them. Aslo There will be no need to make a Tier list since everything would be in nin profile
  2. Many things happend in 2k20, at least Nin is safe!
  3. Added CE report in my bio, just scroll dont for hidded content. ;D

  4. Best bio, best music and best rebel ever :) 

  5. Feels like some parts of BIO done :)

  6. Thanks to Gin to send my profile on discord. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for all wishes <3

  8. Where are You best Katon User? :(

  9. Exited about CE today! :O

  10. :)/

    1. EMlKO
    2. Kyojin Alarnin
    3. EMlKO


      No, I'm actually working on commissions, I will later. :>