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    Land of Tea and Cupcakes

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  1. (≧^≦) Morg-i for Kit-ty

  2. Uguu~ Now I'm really hungry. Nice icons, I saw a few of them beforehand via exploring where I shouldn't :3
  3. The better it looks the more I worry about the lag. It's looking pretty awesome, good job.
  4. Oh lookie a competiton, time to join in.
  5. Anyone managed to kill all 32 yet? or 15 in that other level?
  6. It was good in my mind- only problem is the unrealistic gravity- but everything else is fun seeing as it's still in creation.
  7. I knew lag problem was going to happen, even happens in first day mmos- but when a game like this has over one hundred people trying to log in at the same time, it is a big problem. Having different servers is a idea but that may cost a lot unless you got people willing to pay for it. I would too but I have no ways to use paypal currently x:
  8. KitKat


    Tried and failed, though I did find a way to create custom icons.
  9. KitKat


    I got bigger on my main comp I'm probably going to try and mess around and see if I can make a fix or something.
  10. KitKat


    Posted a mini solution for now in my edit if you didn't see :3
  11. Can we have a way to make the game smaller, on my computer I can't see the lower half and I can't make the resolution of my screen any bigger x: I hope this can be a possible future update though. edit, though putting the taskbar at the side makes things do-able.
  12. Hm, I used to be a iconner on byond, though I'm mostly known now as Levi. Key's LeviathanG though I have quite a lot a keys. Play nff and most byond games though.
  13. The problem with that is the fact that there be millions of updates. I doubt they have enough time and team to continue updating each version. Though it would be nifty as heck- but the more time they spend working on this one- the more faster updates we can have. :c Then again I could be wrong since my coding skills is sucky nowadays.
  14. Welp, it's good for me since that be when I wake up.