
Gold Ninja
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LionGod last won the day on October 18 2021

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  1. Supposed to ss the ryo and your rank broski
  2. LionGod

    Tier List

    Just like most tier list are zzzz
  3. First off the reason leaf doesn't have a weapon is cuz rory's words " it's the default village" thus it's the base of the game (also weapons gives the other villages some kind of reason to play in them) since most ppl would go leaf since they want to be that Naruto of the game. Secondly your idea for Wof would be dead broken LOL. Thirdly Wof isn't bad with how it currently (the only way to make it better if that's what you want would be to change it entirely which most ppl wouldn't want) by making it better I mean not RNG since you guys think because it's RNG it's bad. Fourthly I agree leaf did get done dirty in flaks and pouch department;-;
  4. First off the homing is a fire nerf since it's actually broken however the reason ep is a long snare is because of the time to cast it(let's be real if u get hit with a ep that's you fault) spikes doesn't even need a nerf but if there was to be one a range nerf would be acceptable. After reading @Enkidupost then no earth nerf finna happen so waste of a post ig
  5. This is actually a good idea, good job
  6. LionGod

    pvp focus

    He's not wrong but (here before warning points) Also since Erox friends was hyping him up and saying he's allowed to raid best every village get a gm to raid with them when ever they are short on numbers/ certain masteries don't have any team fight masteries dw the local gm can help you
  7. LionGod

    pvp focus

    How would the game become more pvp focused?
  8. I agree with this point since gf shouldn't be allowed to use swords don't listen to fools like south who didn't even understand the post
  9. A t3 is something u need but a summon is optional it's bs that you have to spend so much blanks for something you need to be complete in the game. For the same amount of rng for something that you can choose to have without much issue.
  10. New maps to kill off map camping (to fix dzs) and it would low-key be fun to you them for new striates when attacking ppl or defending
  11. Not biased at all but I 100% fw this and hope @Uedasees and likes the idea.
  12. I do have it, kindly take beef off the post g