
Gold Ninja
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  1. Ichika's post in Poison Scalpel was marked as the answer   
    I don't even play int medic like that but I already know by implanting these nerfs it will hit way too hard, if you add the first one for example, a silence for 0.5 seconds up close won't do shit when you know damn well someone can just throw jutsus/burst while being silenced for that long, and int medic lacks burst so if you even want to attempt to trade off damage you will need to fully rely on your 2nd mastery and you'd still most likely take more damage.
    The 2nd idea is better but still a huge nerf, Scalpel would just end up like a close range shuriken probably even weaker imo since you can actually shoot shuriken far range, point is Scalpel wouldn't really be good then you just gotta compare it to it's other offensive attack kits which is only 3 jutsus in total, we all know Scalpel was carrying the offensive side of Int Medic and by turning in into a jutsu that doesn't even snare/silence/stun it won't even be worth hitting because we all know someone like a WM for example would just keep meleeing it without fear of getting stunned or anything and depending on the sword would get out damaged, same with tai too and plenty of other examples with other jutsus.
    Other masteries have something
    Water: Good defensive with the double sub, Water prison combo starter
    Fire: Good burst
    Wind: Good burst, Homing
    Earth: Good Aoes, Homing
    Lighting: Stuns (I mean the mastery is pretty iffy anyways well known for being asked for a buff)
    Tai: Double sub, Great cancels, Melees
    Wm Str: Homings, Melees
    Int Wm: Traps, Good damage,
    Chakra Med: Great heals, Senbon damage pretty good but the heals alone is what makes it a good mastery for support.
    Now Int Medic: Scalpel spam stun good combo starter with low CD, heals, helps other masteries with combos (mainly cuz of Scalpel but also senbon)
    But with the Nerfs you asked for Int Med would have: Bad heals (It's meant for pvp in the first place it's the offensive side for medic) The main damage for this mastery would be nerf pretty badly due to anyone easily out damaging the Int Medic Scalpel most of the time, Poison cloud would be pretty good and that's pretty much it. Senbon has always been a good jutsu but it's balanced for a reason most aren't landing that 24/7, Either way Poison Cloud and Senbon alone won't cut it for making Int Medic a good mastery.
    And here's the last thing, I understand if this nerf was asked if Int medic was very top tier not only in 1v1s but also in team fights, but no it's teamfight kit is decent lol, If you bring up the heals, Most int medic heals are weak either way due to the high int they have for 1v1s and by spamming heals they constantly put their poison senbon on CD which leaves the mastery with 2 attack jutsus, Poison cloud isn't bad for team fights but comparing it to other jutsus kit's it's not all that at all, Scalpel is up close and one tile in team fight's that's a pain to use, still a good jutsu but as for a team fighting jutsu overall it's not that good.
    Shit like EARTH/MED is a good team fight mastery combo because the EARTH KIT alone carries it. That's like bringing up Wm/Earth, it's still good either way, even if you mention the fact that Medic shares the same Intellect path as Earth which makes it better, Solo Wm is still better than Solo Int Med either way, and Earth/Wm vs Earth/Int Med in 1v1s skill difference isn't far off at all too, I'd even favor Earth/Wm winnning as well. Then we have Solo Taijutsu which is already great for 1v1s, but if you have high agility and pair up with a bunch of Earth users, You can be doing a lot just meleeing people in prison with high damage instantly which is great for team fights, Not even counting the fact that you can also do Tai/Earth, Either way I don't see a reason to nerf Int Medic LIKE THIS, Scalpel is a jutsu alone that needs nerf but considering the whole kit alone it's pretty much overrated.