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I agree but it also has to be a balanced to the point where int med doesn't become very bad and these suggestions just make the mastery bad
What village are you from? You can join back the village by contacting the kage of the village you went rogue from, So for leaf it's esty, Sand is Freezehud, and Mist it's Zabuza Momochi, it's easier to contact them in discord rather ingame though, you can also message villagers to send in the word for you as well.
I don't even play int medic like that but I already know by implanting these nerfs it will hit way too hard, if you add the first one for example, a silence for 0.5 seconds up close won't do shit when you know damn well someone can just throw jutsus/burst while being silenced for that long, and int medic lacks burst so if you even want to attempt to trade off damage you will need to fully rely on your 2nd mastery and you'd still most likely take more damage. The 2nd idea is better but still a huge nerf, Scalpel would just end up like a close range shuriken probably even weaker imo since you can actually shoot shuriken far range, point is Scalpel wouldn't really be good then you just gotta compare it to it's other offensive attack kits which is only 3 jutsus in total, we all know Scalpel was carrying the offensive side of Int Medic and by turning in into a jutsu that doesn't even snare/silence/stun it won't even be worth hitting because we all know someone like a WM for example would just keep meleeing it without fear of getting stunned or anything and depending on the sword would get out damaged, same with tai too and plenty of other examples with other jutsus. Other masteries have something Water: Good defensive with the double sub, Water prison combo starter Fire: Good burst Wind: Good burst, Homing Earth: Good Aoes, Homing Lighting: Stuns (I mean the mastery is pretty iffy anyways well known for being asked for a buff) Tai: Double sub, Great cancels, Melees Wm Str: Homings, Melees Int Wm: Traps, Good damage, Chakra Med: Great heals, Senbon damage pretty good but the heals alone is what makes it a good mastery for support. Now Int Medic: Scalpel spam stun good combo starter with low CD, heals, helps other masteries with combos (mainly cuz of Scalpel but also senbon) But with the Nerfs you asked for Int Med would have: Bad heals (It's meant for pvp in the first place it's the offensive side for medic) The main damage for this mastery would be nerf pretty badly due to anyone easily out damaging the Int Medic Scalpel most of the time, Poison cloud would be pretty good and that's pretty much it. Senbon has always been a good jutsu but it's balanced for a reason most aren't landing that 24/7, Either way Poison Cloud and Senbon alone won't cut it for making Int Medic a good mastery. And here's the last thing, I understand if this nerf was asked if Int medic was very top tier not only in 1v1s but also in team fights, but no it's teamfight kit is decent lol, If you bring up the heals, Most int medic heals are weak either way due to the high int they have for 1v1s and by spamming heals they constantly put their poison senbon on CD which leaves the mastery with 2 attack jutsus, Poison cloud isn't bad for team fights but comparing it to other jutsus kit's it's not all that at all, Scalpel is up close and one tile in team fight's that's a pain to use, still a good jutsu but as for a team fighting jutsu overall it's not that good. Shit like EARTH/MED is a good team fight mastery combo because the EARTH KIT alone carries it. That's like bringing up Wm/Earth, it's still good either way, even if you mention the fact that Medic shares the same Intellect path as Earth which makes it better, Solo Wm is still better than Solo Int Med either way, and Earth/Wm vs Earth/Int Med in 1v1s skill difference isn't far off at all too, I'd even favor Earth/Wm winnning as well. Then we have Solo Taijutsu which is already great for 1v1s, but if you have high agility and pair up with a bunch of Earth users, You can be doing a lot just meleeing people in prison with high damage instantly which is great for team fights, Not even counting the fact that you can also do Tai/Earth, Either way I don't see a reason to nerf Int Medic LIKE THIS, Scalpel is a jutsu alone that needs nerf but considering the whole kit alone it's pretty much overrated.
Sounds like a pretty cool buff and by adding this it wouldn't be the most strongest elemental still so I'm down for it
Sheesh that’s a great idea I hope this gets implanted
I can make your Marco malfunction just by staring at you, you not ready man
how about me plz ill walk if u want too
He changed his mind and said once he hits level 60, so this forum post is pointless atm rip
1. That was already typed/entered before I seen what you said about you being done, 2. Honestly speaking I don't need someone to tell me when to type and not to type and 3. That message with me saying you trash talk at a lot wasn't meant to come off rude, I trash talked a lot too I was just pointing out the fact that doing things like those most likely results in spam killing.
Mind you no one really goes up to a random level 10 and instantly tries to assume their some type of alt 99% of the time, he said he was a victim of that because he trash talks a lot and when you trash talk/be annoying a lot people will assume ur an alt, which is why I said play it safe lol
Keyword is most people, if you don’t say nothing or talk too much they don’t assume shit, like I said I was spammed killed too and people thought I was an alt and even then there’s options to avoid/get away from the spam kill, play it smart you agreed to the terms the moment you finished that academy test to be a Genin
I know, and my response wasn’t just for you it was meant for everyone, the last question to pass the academy test was asking What do you do if you die or something like that and the answer was to suck it up it’s a tough game. I’ve been spam killed myself when I was a lowbie player there’s options to avoid it, play it safe and also like I said most people don’t just see a level 10 minding his own business and spam kill them, ive seen plenty of lowbies do their thing in peace, unless it’s in a DZ obviously
Spawn somewhere else and behave, people don’t get spam killed 24/7 for no reason.
ya dw I asked him if I can make a post forum and he said sure cheers
I slapped em 7-1 and he claims that's a lie and he won, so tomorrow 4pm EST imma slap him at leaf arena feel free to come, loser pays 10k ryo imma let yall know if he's a scammer or not, also @Black Rain by the time I finish this match it seems like ya match with him on 6.6.21 is gonna get delayed once he discovers how weak he truly is cheers!
Doesn’t matter it’s not suppose to be intended for elementals using it like that in the first place, if it’s not that broken or doesn’t change much in terms of pvp then my suggestion should be fine, it don’t hurt
Also if there's flaws in this post let me know! I want some type of PvP content in the game that will make the game more fun since I've noticed ingame events like 1v1 tourneys,2v2s,etc never seem to get boring to me at least, I personally think ideas like these will help make the game even more fun so feel free to throw in any ideas/suggestions if you have one! I think this may be a little hard to add with all the coding and stuff but with the stuff Rory has done in the game I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to add this or something similar into the game.
I was hunting around trying to collect bounty and the main thing I notice is either, 1. It's a lowbie with no bounty, 2. It's 10+ people hunting together or 3. DZ is dead. So I had an idea, there can be a system implanted with this guy over here at the Land of Fire Bounty House. When you finish all your daily missions and talk to this guy right here he gives you 10 ryo, I think it would be nice if this guy right here gives you a Side Quest to complete which is to kill 10 ninjas and collect 500 bounty. Once you complete that quest, he gives you access to TP to a 1v1 sparring arena danger zone. Once he gives you access, there should be an NPC in every village which teleports you to the arena to fight. An NPC example can be someone like this right here, somewhere in your village The way it works is 1. You only get 3 fights a day to avoid people spamming it causing less activity in actual village raids/danger zone fights. 2. Each time you win you gain 10 rank points and each time you're defeated you lose 10 rank points, you can't go into the negative with the rank points and how the rank points work is, There's a leaderboard in every village which shows a list of who has the most rank points. (basically like how bounty book shows who has the most bounty, can look like this for example) Whoever is 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place gets a rewarded. First place obviously gains the best reward, then 2nd place gets the 2nd best reward then 3rd gets the 3rd best reward etc etc. (The rewards can be things like event coupons where even people who were 10th place still get a coupon for participation, it doesn't have to be event coupons though it could be ryo, items, or even throw in a special rare item now and then like an event tourney would.) 3. You can't fight someone that has a much more higher rank point than you, EX: Someone has 0 rank points and another person has 100 rank points, you cannot fight them. The reason why you can't fight them because there's skill gap between the players and the players should not be able to pick on a weak player to get free points or else it would end up like this. If there's a queue that's filled with players with 100 rank points and one player with 0 rank points, if the player with 0 rank points doesn't meet anyone that has nearly the same amount of rank points he does (0-30) then he will end up fighting someone with a higher rank point, if the guy with 0 rank points wins then he gains 10 rank points, if he loses then he wasted one of his turns/doesn't lose points even if he had 10 points. If the guy with 100 rank points wins then he doesn't gain any points but he doesn't lose a turn, but if he's defeated then he loses 10 rank points but a turn is not wasted. If a fight like this happens then they can't fight twice to avoid farming for points. The whole point of the rank system is so that people can fight people on their skill level and the best of the best will be on top of the leaderboard obviously. The rank point system can more fights look like this, basically close unpredictable fights due to people fighting people on their skill level (or at least it helps make people fight people closer to their skill level) 4. Minimum level requirement is level 40 to join, there can be a separate one for lowbies (levels 20-40) but if they don't add a separate one I think level 40 is a good requirement to join. 5. The matchmaking can available for like 3 hours a day, Ex: 3am EST til 4am EST, 2pm EST til 3pm EST, 8pm EST til 9pm EST. The whole point of this is because if the matchmaking is on 24/7 then players most likely won't be matched up together as much, but if there's a certain time to do it then a crowd of players will probably be waiting until that timer starts so they can all join. 6. The way the Matchmaking works is once you talk the NPC, then the NPC teleports you to the arena where the fight will take place and you wait until a match has been found. While waiting you can see the other players who are waiting/fighting. This photo is an example. (This doesn't have to be the arena it's just an example) Once a match is found both players are teleported to arena with full chakra/hp and 10 second immunity for prep time (no they can't move around or start trapping up they are just stuck in one place facing each other with 10 second immunity like this) Org buffs are not allowed for obvious reasons, same with toad oils/chakra pills/summons. Basically the basic Nin tournament rules should apply to this right here as well. 7. Similar to the Best Dressed Ninja Contest where there's a winner every 15 days, The Leaderboard of the rank points can be reseted every month. The types of fights can be changed within the months as well, Ex: May 1v1s,June 2v2s,July 3v3s etc. Teams share the same rank points so if they find a new partner their rank points will be reseted. Ex: Ichika teams with Reality and win fights, they have 20 rank points, Ichika then starts a new team with Noboru but they start off with 0 points. I think the pros of this are: Fun event like the raid point feature that was added in the game not too long ago, Danger zone kills so if you got a bounty mission/waging war, you could do this event and maybe gain some bounty/kills, and it's competitive which makes players want to train hard to reach the top of the leaderboard. Shout out to @Sky @Haste @Scooby Doo for joining in on some of those screenshot examples.
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about to make a tik tok of me killing seigi cheers #ADVERTISENIN!
suggestion weekly , monthly missions and clan missions
Ichika replied to question's Kankuro in Suggestions (Old)
Not only do I like the idea of the weekly/monthly missions, I like some of the ideas you had in mind with the missions like break 7 raid points that's pretty cool -
I think Tornado is fine as long as only STR fan users can use it, not the 20 str elemental users
This has been requested by the Nin community for so long so I'm hoping that one day an update will fix this problem. The bubble pipe and fan is intended for Fan users and Bubble users, but players that use elementals/int medic are able to put a small amount of points into Str and gain so much advantage off PvP due to it, to the point where most of the fan/bubble tool users (mainly bubble pipe users due to them having less/weaker weapons than fan) are mainly elementals/int medics. The fact that there's more elementals using a tool that's invented for hidden mastery users shows there's a problem. Many people have complained about it specially Leaf ninjas due to the fact that they don't have a tool that they can use unlike the other villages, and due to the fact that the mist village (for example) has elemental/int med users that majority have pipe tool and tend to spam the snare which leads to snare spam and free/easier combos to land. I've seen some people suggest that Leaf should get a tool for GF but the mastery is already broken/easy as shit to play, plus making more braindead things isn't the best way to balance things out, Which is why I suggest 2 of these options. 1. Make it so that players can't use elemental/int medic jutsus while having a pipe/fan tool equip, this should be easy to do since this is already added for Gentle fist users not being able to use their jutsus while having a Weapon equipped, This wouldn't completely remove all pipe/fan tool elemental/int medic users but it would be a good nerf. 2. Make it so that when players choose their mastery (Ex: a Sand ninja picks Wind as his mastery) They have to pick between either Int (Wind/Water) or Str (Fan/Bubble) that way they can't learn Str Fan/Bubble jutsus as a Int Wind/Water and vice versa. Problem with number 1 is it doesn't fully remove the problem, but it's a good nerf that might end up making some players drop their pipe/fan weapon. Problem with number 2 is some people tend to enjoy elemental/str hybrids (when I mean hybrids I mean ACUTAL hybrids not people w 20 Str) so they would lose out on mastery combinations that would at least cause them to risk their stats far more than a regular 20 str tool user. I'd honestly stick with option 1 for now since it's an easy add on but anyone can throw in a better suggestion if they can since it's an open topic. As for Gentle Fist this post right here explains a good nerf for it, so Gentle Fist nerf suggestions can go in that topic as well. Shout out to @Black Rain for the post idea.
Good suggestion but nerfing GF has to lead to nerfing players having 20 str fan/pipe as elementals/int meds. I’m not bias so I know that having an elemental pipe can be pretty braindead, Ex: wind water pipe is better than solo GF but at the same time have Aoes and shit that makes it also better in team fights which is why I think if we strictly do this nerf right here it would be unfair, unless the nerf with the 20 str fan/pipe users happen as well.
Wait @Lumy term already ended? Wdf