I like the idea and got 2 things to say:
1 With the matchmaking i think there should be a type of reward for everyone and another reason for go DZ IMO, The matchmaking is fine and rewards the good 1 vs 1 players but the top 1 2-3-4 even 5 will more likely be GFS and Tais, and other people as example fire light wont reach alot of points(worst for chakra med,which gives even less reason to go for a mastery that are almost bots), another reason for go into DZ for get more rewards should be good, as getting more kills in the week or something like that (public can decide)
2 and about fixing the mapswitch camps, (only for leaf) Yamikami made a suggestion that i think its perfect to fix mini camping and the suggestion is this
For the rest i agree with the post, but, at making these new maps the community should be aware when doing it so these maps are not the same / worse.