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Sanshouo last won the day on March 9 2024

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  1. Hello, everyone! This topic was discussed already a few times but I in my opinion PB still needs a proper rework to be objectively competitive vs another orgs (12G and 7SM). Anticipating some arguments, I have to say that it's not that my opinion is determined by my current membership in PB. Even playing as a rogue I always thought that since the Great Puppet's colliding wave nerf (which indeed was too OP) PB was objectively less attractive and weaker than other orgs considering the stat buff and utility. I will support my opinion with the following analysis. I. Stat buffs 1. 12G Waistcloth gives +10 to all stats. For most ninja 3 stats (sometimes 4) are useful which gives +30/+40 stat buff that is used be 12G member. 2. Most of 7Sm swords give +20 stat buff (some swords a lot more). 3. Puppet Coffin gives +15 to fort. To sum up PB has the weakest stat buff. I don't think there is any logical explanation why it should be like that and it definitely should be changed to match the other org's stat buff. What can be done about this? This disadvantage is easy to repair. In my opinion Puppet Coffin should give at least +20 to fort. If you consider the buff of 12g Waistcloth or some of the 7SM swords buff it wouldn't be unfair to get the Puppet Coffin buff even higher (i.e. +25/+30 fort). II. Utility 1. 12G jutsu is a life-saving instant huge buff to hp. Even though it is only temporary, it's very useful for ninjas to get away from battle situations that would be otherwise impossible to survive. 2. 7SM swords give it's users constant feature that they can use every few seconds through the entire battle without any additional cost. 3. Puppet Coffin gives the ability to summon a Great Puppet that basically is a summon with lower cooldown (30s after puppet dies) and is casting low dmg jutsus. At the end of the day only useful jutsu that Great Puppets casts is Lightning Current but it's very random. I think we all agree that summons in this game aren't good concerning their AI. They are "stupid", they can be blocked by a tree or other obstacles. The result of this is that Great Puppet in a bigger teamfight dies after few seconds and casting maybe one random jutsu in the air. In addition it's move is so predictable that it's easy to avoid in a smaller fight. In my opinion PB feature is the least useful compared to other orgs. What can be done about this? I have to say that - in contrast to stat buffs problem - solution is not easy here. In my opinion Great Puppet summon idea is a bad one considering summons mechanic in this game. Good solution might be removing this summon and adding some kind of a PB jutsu with "puppet graphics". It might be offensive or defensive jutsu. Any ideas from the rest of community would be nice here. My ideas (based on manga/anime; mostly Sasori's and Kankuro's jutsus) are: 1. Puppet Technique: Prosthetic Arm Senbon - I don't know if it is possible to do but it could be an animation of a puppet appearing for a moment in front of the caster and casting a jutsu similar to explosive kunai. 2. Prepared Puppet: Eight Waves of Needles - animation similar to above but the jutsu could be similar to Kunai Shadow Clone Technique but with bigger damage. 3. Hiruko - caster would hide inside Hiruko-like (the one Sasori was inside of) puppet that would grant him temporary resistance to damage but would be snared at the same time (let's say for like 2-3 seconds). 4. Kuroari - caster would snare or stun an opponent for i.e. 2 seconds by summoning Kuroari (the one that Kankuro used) and do damage to him. I would love to know what you guys (especially GM's) think about this. Finally, I would like to mention that another flaw of the Great Puppet is that it simply looks freaking ugly Thanks for reading this! Sanshouo
  2. As a missing ninja you will have friendly fire if you're playing with more than 4 people (max people in the party). So it makes sense. In clubs section you can see this - "a separate guild system will be added later to replace Player Organizations in-game". Apparently there were plans to make possible for players to create their own orgs/guilds.
  3. I agree that mapswitch mechanic is the biggest problem of this game right now and it discourages a lot of people from playing. It makes big scale fights almost impossible and is bringing the game to a point where you have to camp a map for 1 hour or even more doing nothing. Or you can push and be merked before you can see what even killed you. Imo there is only 1 way to solve this quickly. Add invulnerability buff for 2 seconds for a character that enters the map (during this buff given character can't cast any jutsus). It would be similar to a buff that you have after being reved. Imo 2-3 seconds is enough to see the map and make a move in some direction to avoid being spammed with jutsus by 20 people. 5 seconds, like someone proposed above, would be too long and it would make even solo hunting a lot harder (everyone could basically go through half of the map being untouchable). I think it's not that complicated to introduce to a game and should be done asap. Also, I don't know how much work it would need but widening the zone of each locations where you can enter could also help. Other way that could remove the problem is adding more alternate routes between villages (so more locations could have more than 2 exits) but I understand that it would take a lot of time.
  4. First of all, Rory from the start said that current PB Great Puppets are just temporary and that they will be heavily reworked. Since then the only thing he did was nerfing the crushing wave dmg (it was way bigger at the beginning as most of you probably remember). I don't know what are Rory's ideas about puppets but imo they should get way more hp and instead get a CD after being destroyed. It would also be great if their appearance would be changed 'cause they look bad. In the manga/anime there's been several puppets that could serve as a model. That's how Sand's regular puppet summons were done and they look really cool. Another idea - that probably will never be applied since it would take a lot of work - would be giving PB different kind of puppets with various skills (for example tank puppet, dmg puppet etc.). As for 12g buff, I agree that it's too weak compared to PB and 7SM and needs to be changed. I think Itachi's solution about it is interesting. Lastly, in my opinion some of you are overestimating Great Puppet's power. They are OP only on like 3 maps in this game and on others usually they're just floating around mostly doing nothing (just watch videos that are made on wider maps and focus on GP's to see). You should also consider that Puppet Brigade has no stat buff 'cause we're losing it as soon as we summon the puppet. To me the most OP village buffs are those of 7SM org. If Great Puppets are to be nerfed, so should the swords.
  5. Suna Laws 1. Do not kill or attack another Sand Ninja for any reason. This includes directly causing them to die with manipulating surroundings (such as leading a bunch of mobs to them and then cloaking away) This does not include killing them in a mutually agreed upon spar. 2. You must aid a fellow Sand Ninja if they or the village is being attacked (means u have to help every Sandie regardless of who started on Sand Territory) no matter who it is. If they are the ones who attacked as first (out of Sand Territory) it all depends on situation, enemy, place and the reason - that case will be solved individually! Sand territory means every map west from Big Desert (from coyotes above tunnelers included). Do not place a bounty on a Sand Ninja. Do not assist the enemy against Sand Ninja in any way. 3. Verbal harassment is not tolerated. If someone is breaking Nin Online rules, take it up with the GM's. It's not the player's responsibility to deal with this. (Do note, SMPF officers are able to jail you for general toxicity). Two jailing's result in a strike. Three strikes is an exile! 4. Respect and follow the commands of your ranked superiors. As well as members of organizations such as ANBU, SMPF in uniform. When asked to do the following, do it. Failure to obey can result in a jailing: Examples of Commands: Attack/stop attacking *name of person* Stop following me. Tell me what happened. Take off your mask. 5. You must respect the village and its members. 6. Above all, respect and follow the orders of the Kazekage. These are general rules to follow, the severity of punishments are to be decided after meetings. 7.(During your playtime, please make sure to abide by the game’s term of service). 8. "New alt - new life" rule. If you have Leaf/Mist/Missing alt and are attacking Sandies on this alt or raiding Sand Village, you will be kicked from Sand Discord and from any official orgs in Sand. You can defend yourself on this alt if attacked first by a Sandie. This doesn't concern situations when you're attacked first when you're hunting with a group of enemies - you will be punished as above if you attack Sandies, unless you didn't know it's a Sandie. Your Sand character won't be exiled or jailed for this unless proven that you're helping enemies on Sand char in some way (spying, healing etc.). Characters from Peace List are treated as Sand Villagers in these rules. Note: Most of these laws are traditional Sand Laws, along with some implementations of my own. (Please also make sure to read details displayed on the Sand Village Noticeboard, for village announcements, events, more laws, etc). Details of punishments and so on, will be stated within meetings with the individual. Questions regarding these laws or any specific scenarios, please feel free to contact me or my advisory council. Best Regards