
Gold Ninja
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  1. Used to just give us 3 free name changes but idk
  2. This needs an update since the market is all screwed up
  3. In my opinion the only coupon that should be locked to players are the ones given to us in the level up event . Other than that I feel like event coupons should be tradeables again like they once were for a short period . also feel like the event shop items prices are a little ridiculous
  4. Jinchuriki boss that has a small chance to drop a tailed beast jutsu so that random players have a chance to gain a power wether it’s a level 20 or a level 60. these rare weapons and cosmetics drop from bosses , so why shouldn’t Jutsu powers drop from taming a beast ? It doesn’t have to be a broken power either for instance the 3 tails can be on one of the mist water maps , the 1 tails can be at the puppets map in sand and etc