
Gold Ninja
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About Xerith


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    United States

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  1. I, Hayashi Xerith, will be running for council this upcoming term.
  2. Pretty soon ill become level 50 and I'm disappointed to remember that at level 50 ill only get 3 jutsu rows which means i wont have enough space for the rest of my moves... I understand that you get more at 55 and 60 but just wish we had the capability to get more or buy more either with real money or maybe have some in game way to unlock slots apart from leveling. Idk just think it would be a good idea, plus... with the addition of transformation jutsu and possibilities of getting summoning jutsu it limits the possibilities of having some of these other jutsus such as cloak, transformation, fuuma, shadow clones (I miss this T^T), and just limiting the over all possibilities for how many jutsu you can have at one time. Let me know your thoughts...
  3. Idk if anyone else has been experiencing this but recently when its comes to pvp some of my moves have phased through enemies or buttons inputs don't seem to be as clean or i get stutter steps. It might just be my laptop but up till recently I haven't had any of these issues so I wanted to ask if anyone else has been experiencing increase of lag or frame drop recently
  4. It's cool that training dummies were added on the mist village boat however, I could see these dummies being very useful when it comes to training Jutsu and summons. If they were to be placed in ninja villages it would make training a lot more convenient as we'd be able to level Jutsu without having to rely on other players turning on pvp or enemy ninja. This should be a feature as ninja should be able to train their Jutsu in other ways than engaging in combat with others.
  5. Yeah I am having this problem as well and while I could just play with a smaller window its kind of annoying to go back into config and set it to resolution 2 just so I am able to play on fullscreen at 1920x1080