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  1. Unlike other games in which pvp is the end and aim, chess/shogi recommends itself to the wise by the fact that its mimic battles are fought for no prize but honor. It is eminently and emphatically the philosopher’s game. Think about it? You might be good in pvp but can you win against me in chess? :o Gambling and playing dice is boring, I suggest a game where skill and compentition is included. Maybe a little leaderboard to flex? I think it will be a fun and great addition to Tanzaku, for now it feels really empty besides the gambling machines. This will not only bring new players here, but will open up for those who don't like or can suceed in the pvp aspects of the game.
  2. No Ueda we understand! Ofc, this was made just for a little fun and for people who can find humor in this! I knew you are trying to do it realistically and professionally. We in this small community are making sure everyone can fit in, and no one should feel outside or discriminate. We all appreciate your hard work.
  3. Equality. Amen
  4. Hey guys, I wanted to talk about a dark and very frustrating subject. Racism. As we all love this game we can't deny. That Rory and the staff team might have something against black people. How many black npcs is there in the game huh? We need more black npc's unless you want to release them once cloud village becomes a thing. #BLM #ACAB #Fritzogey
  5. I doubt, you are innocent. Your friend BadQ must have been cooperating with you. If he is the only one having access to the account.
  6. Hydora

    EU servers

    Maybe because nin online does not have big player base and does not recieve as much income :p. If you want a example look what happend with a Roblox game named "Shinobi life". They had a playerbase of 100k players. And guess what. Copyrightstrike. So ofc nin does not get copyrightstriked when no one has even heard about it :p. But if thats your final argument, gg. You lost and accept it.
  7. Hydora

    EU servers

    Yep, It is so easy for people like you to ignore the problems, and only side with ur "daddy Rory!" Ah omg, he critized the game! Now I must go insane simp defend mode. Like I said it is easy for you who does not have ping issues to say this is bad and etc. In fact you saying "Yall want something and don't know what you want. Instead of whining about stuff you don't understand, be appreciative of all the stuff Rory's added past few months. Stop being fuckin whiners." It's like saying: "Well, why do you want to eat food when its not necesarry for you to eat this much? Be appreciative of the 10 calories you consume each day, stop being a fucking whiner". With your stupid reasoning and ignorance, there is no point for you to even respond to a topic. "Imagine wanting to split the population of a game that already has low population". For this statement all I have to say is: Like @ana primal said earlier, the game is already in a low state of population. And if Rory wanted the game to get famous and suceed there is alot he can do, which he does not. If you Sukki even realized this? You might not know that if this game were to get in fact pretty popular, the game could potentially be shut down by bandai namco for copyright. If you don't believe me? Then lets face the facts why people leave this game, or don't continue to play it as others: Lack of content, pvp and pve Too slow progression, farming is boring and waste of valuable time Bad ping, being able to use tai effectivly for example depends mostly on ping, how many autos could a eu connected person do compared to a us or canadian? Lack of players, why play a game when not many plays it?
  8. Hydora

    EU servers

    Take time to read the replies. The lack of Ueda's knowledge on EU and its gaming community is funny lol.
  9. Hydora

    EU servers

    We EU players have been supporting the game for a while now, we've also been patient. When can we have EU servers? I am pretty sure no one wants to keep playing on 150+ ping. It just ruins the experience. This topic was started 4 years ago. I'd wait and wait. And many others. Some quit some kept playing. Someone just endured it. If you want players to enjoy this game, and the game itself to expand. You must open a server where they can play. It does not matter a lot how you wanna do it. As long as we EU players get a server stable enough to play on, and not have to play a certain playstyle just because your ping does not allow you to do otherwise. Interact with this topic in any way. So we might have a chance in getting a EU server soon!
  10. I know many nin online players like the idea of kekkei genkai. But the reason it is stupid to add is that: Every player would run around with sharingan and be wannabe Sasuke and Itachi. My Idea: I thought up a great solution. This will feature a new equipment slot, which is "eyeball". Let's say there is a way to obtain eyeballs, from maybe bosses or some hard way. This way we can have different eyeballs that drop from bosses that are clones that have these kekkei genkais. Sharingan, Buyakugan, etc. And once u equip them they will grant u a single jutsu. That will stand out and certainly be usefull. Ability suggestion: Sharingan is known for its prediction and speed. Maybe it had a passive that gives u dodges. The dodges would work as a sub, but it would probably look different. Let's say it can stack up and once it's stacked up it has 2 dodges. Which will dodge attacks and jutsus. Also, let the item have a "+20 agility" for realism. Buyakugan is another famous kekkei genkai famous for its eyes. This one could have a passive that can see the other player's chakra. This would be useful for knowing when to harass and when to be careful. And let the item have a "+20 strength" for compensation for the Sharingan and the broken stat boost items certain village orgs have. Eyeballs should be able to be tradable and could function as a normal item. Basically an eyeball transplant between users. That will work as a good unique cool item to hunt for. What do yall think? I would like to hear some feedback. Edit: In terms of copyright strike, it does not have to be sharingan. It could be something made up and similar :p