The Avatar

Silver Ninja
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The Avatar last won the day on January 3

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  1. Please leave WM its already broken the way it is
  2. Nice suggestion, would love to see this ingame.
  3. The First suggestion is known on nin as a Joint exam, Which was cut off due to the server performance while having lots of players on at the time. I Think ueda should take it into consideration since its alot more fun and competitive not to mention the new server performance is alot better.
  4. Dope bro!, I like the ideas. I can see this being new content
  5. Hard work plays off. Thanks for making Nin Online an Enjoyable game for all of us Ueda Was with ya from 2015- 2021 from the Years you can see that i Love the game keep it up!
  6. There is one in my village discord, However some people do set it up in other servers
  7. Great work! , the suwa's one are fire
  8. Vacuum is useless from the latest nerf. You can't land it unless you're in team fights. somtimes its still bad for teams. 1v1s is way worst , Cheers
  9. Looking forward to this activity, Thanks for your work for puting things together leiting!