Prince Nik

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  2. I read your post saw this and was like "Ah shit he's trolling" and if you're not you're crazy. This entire thread is false hope for something that will never happen. By all means, if it does happen and I'm wrong; that would be super awesome, but it's not gonna happen! I've been playing Nin Online for 6 years. You want to paint me in this picture that I'm some toxic guy, but just the other day in Nin Discord, some guy was coming at me for the same thing, but turns out that guy admitted to having 60 warning points on Nin Online. All my warning points are for spamming. Also, I'm quite accomplished! I've trained a lot of people on Nin, I've done many things in Sand I've hit 50 over 8 times I've had a summon over 5 times, I've helped many and I've hosted many tournaments in the past. I've also beat many. I've done many great things on Nin and in real life. I'm not some toxic guy, I'm only disrespectful to those who deserve it, and those who deserve it are among the following category: 1. If you say something stupid before doing your research 2. If your ego is super high 3. If you make ridiculous and stupid demands of me but if I'm going to be disrespectful I'm going to do it in a stupid way because I believe it rubs the sting in quite a bit. My opinion matters, or rather should matter a lot more than some noob who is crying about "Oh leveling is too hard". Life is hard. Nin is hard. Rory says it in the academy lessons. Suck it up and keep moving forward (not in those exact words). I'm not going to be nice to anyone, I don't know you, therefore I don't care about your feelings. You have done nothing to earn my respect; if anything you do quite the opposite. Also, it's not like I grabbed a knife and slashed the guy. You people don't know what a real attack is. Nut up and nullify your emotions a bit. They're just words.
  3. It really wasn't. Full of things that were never going to happen.
  4. Look man, you're wasting forum space for necessary topics so I'm going to stop replying to you if you're not going to take anything seriously.
  5. A lot of my hate actually goes away due to the fact that you're putting in effort and making the attempt to learn. That was my main complaint. I can teach you the basics, give you leveling tips and tricks and show you how to make leveling a piece of cake but all you had to really do was ask instead of expecting Rory to change the entire leveling system. Ask around about the game owner and you'll find out what goes on. Over 100 people just got banned apparently. What he wants goes, and he's made it quite clear (among other things like advanced) what he won't do. It takes quite a bit of searching on the forums. The only other thing I hated is the fact that you said "I have a life a job I'm not grinding 24/7 like you kids". I'm 23, and I pay my own rent. The entire community knows leveling takes long, the majority of us that play this are adults with our own lives and jobs and some of us even have kids (Holy cow I pray to God I don't have kids yet). There are quite a few kids that play this too. Many people from different backgrounds. You do three missions a day, turn them in during a blessing only. Do not prioritize leveling on Nin unless you have daily resets. Do not make any dedications to villages or communities on Nin. At some point, someone will not like you and you will be exiled. Do your missions and log out. That is the way you will have the most fun on Nin and gain the best experience and the fastest way to 60. That is what you should expect when you play. Also, expect a very toxic player base. As I said. Many different opinions, many different friendships and cliques and a lot of beef. Keep it real.
  6. Unfortunately when @Uedacommitted a mass ban and made many specific usable items untradeable, among those items were something every player needs; blanks. By making blanks untradeable, almost the entire player base suffers. Players can no longer farm blanks in order to make them tradeable thus the market took a heavy hit. The entire player base should not be punished for a crime we didn't commit. With this being said, I propose a solution on the players ends. Look. I know that since Rory banned most of the players that doing CBK/WW/BH missions are hard, but you need to read me. Having a high bounty doesn't matter unless you're trying to sell it. Nobody cares about you having 1,000 Ryo on your head. Hunting is fun but players have zerged like crazy. In exchange for this proposition I am about to make I am willing to give free kills to as many people who need it. My proposition is that as players, in order to see the market prosper we leave those who are farming the following maps alone. - Dragonflies - Spiders - Dark Spiders - Coyotes - Foxes - Scorpions - Stingers If a player is farming these maps they are either low level or they are farming blanks. Let's treat these maps full of blank farmers and lowbies with the same passiveness we give each other at Toad Village until blanks become tradeable again. The sealed manuals are still tradeable. Droppable anyway.
  7. I'm really not, but I'm definitely going to waste my time with someone who doesn't put in effort into the game and wants the easy route to success and wants to complain so hard about everything everyone else does. Hard work pays off. Learn it kids. You aren't special.
  8. Wow, you actually make an effort to use your brain and think? I don't think you've thought that statement out enough though. Maybe try a bit harder.
  9. While you sit here and whine, many of us have already leveled to 50 without the advantages given to players like you. Nin Online hasn't been around for 20 years. Enough of your lies. I've leveled to 50 8 times and I've had 8 summons and I'm leveling to 50 again on three more characters. There is nothing honest or humble about you. If I see your username around Takumi I'll beat you up. Learn how to improvise, adapt and overcome.
  10. These bugs are very interesting. Perhaps.... **PLOT TWIST** Seth has returned?
  11. Everyone wants to talk about balance. I can just do LOI if I want exp. Remove Spa Missions from levels 40 and up. Nobody is going to do spa missions for such a ridiculously amount of low exp. It's like doing the blood pill mission at 60. Pointless.
  12. I think it would be cool if you could let us know what you're going to implement and what you're not going to implement, like if we could get a chart or something with a list of reasons why you do this or do that so we can better understand your vision and that way people don't repeat suggestions over and over again or feel like you're ignoring them and that way people know what to look forward to.