Rise of D.
Some may argue, that this isn't my story. Yet i was there to witness and record the unfolding events, so I am part of the story, as much as any chronicler is the part of a story his quill writes on the scrolls. This story hasn't unfolded on a day, nor a week. And to tell you the truth, it's still haven't reached definite conclusion, as each passing day adds more chapters to it. What I can show you is the beginning. The beginning of the ninja road of a splendid shinobi named Dredge.
Despite the introducition, this story begins directly with Tekkey Hinode. Once upon a time he had a pretty darn good day, being named winner of the Leaf's first rock-paper-scissors tournament. After emotions passed, he decided to pay back the Lady Luck by passing back the good karma.
He took the usual spot in the Leaf village's forest, next to a favourite rock of the sorely missed @Saku the Healer, the man who taught him the basic of the medic craft. Honoring his memory, Hinode medic would often help with healing jutsu and advices on shinobi life to the clueless young ninja. The man he met in the forest on that particular day was someone, he already heard about. @Bakushin, the clay soldier, Tekkey's ongoing experiment, has reported his master about the training session that unfolded just a few day ago in the nearby area of Leaf's training grounds. The team of young genins and their chuunin supervisor @Ljones were ambushed by the full squad of the sand assasins, yet somehow were able to triumph without taking a single casualty. One of those promising student's was Dredge, the jutsu earth user.
With just a short talk and observing his wolf extermination progress, Hinode confirmed that young ninja indeed had potential to become one of Konoha's best shinobi. But like many, mostly declared enemies, like to repeat over and over again - Leaf's true strenght lies in numbers. Dredge needed a teammates, with whom he could form a three man squad, that would stick together for good and for worst. Fortunately, Tekkey already had in mind someone to recommend. His final opponent in the rock-paper-scissors tournament was a young ninja, barely graduate of the academy. Man with such luck, that any hazard game seemed like a trifle. And indeed, responding to the Tekkey's request of assistance, @Lastant, the water user, arrived at the wolf infested area nearly on the same time, as the intended overvisior of the forming team.
Despite still being genin, no one could deny tons of experience to @Kekiro Hayashi, former Duke of Tanzaku. He quickly grasped the situation, analyzed the team composition and recommended on finding a medic as their last teammate. That's when Lastan't luck really shined - the next person that entered the forest was a medic @Kotarou, who happily joined the team.
With Kekiro's advices, the youngling's teamwork quickly improved. Enough, that Lord Hokage deemed them worthy of undertaking the white tiger hunt on the dangerous islands of the west. Tekkey sticked with genins mostly for his own amusement and to administer emergency first aid, in case any of the exterminators fainted due to bloodloss. While everything was coming nicely, trouble were already on them. Sensing faint chakra signal nearby, Hinode unleased the sensory technique, breaking the cloaking jutsus of two enemy shonobi. In the ensuing combat, the Leaf ninja faced the invaders and won, yet again not losing a single soul. Lastant, who got the worst of the injuries and briefly fainted, thanks to his luck again, was patched right back to shape with the efforts of the present medics. Some of that good luck must have rubben on Dredge, as not even few days later he shocked Bakushin with the revelation, that he succesfully formed pact with a summon animal. The puppy named Anubis, would become the ninja's trusted companion. Together they both took regulary took part on the Leaf's Military Police patrols, in hope of getting granted admission into the police force. And even strick police captain Kekiro didn't have the heart, to deny this chance to his own disciple.
And so almost ends the story of young earth user Dredge, with big dreams and the drive to pursue them with the help of luck, skill and dedication. Yet even ending, has some beginning. This story's ending starts with...
Unappointed, Dredge suddenly showed in the Hinode clan's headquarters in Tanzaku, requesting adoption into their ranks. Tekkey witnessed this on sheer luck, as he was taking a day off of ninja duty and was simply visiting his Hinode relatives serving as guards to Lady Kasai, the Fire Lord of the Land of Fire. And while the clan derives from the samurai of the Land of Iron, it is welcoming to the outstanding individuals sharing the Hinode's ideals and creed. Once upon a time, Tekkey himself was one of them. After the thorough and intricate questioning, Dredge was deeemed worthy of joining the family and pledged himself to the service. So truly ends the story of the Dredge, the earth user. And so begins the story of the @Dredge Hinode, the defender of the Leaf village.