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Everything posted by Crosswise

  1. I just want to show up to a village and slaughter everyone with the help of my friends.
  2. Gary Oak just liked the post, so I guess I'll bump it. Huehua...
  3. I don't usually comment on update threads, but I love these animations.
  4. It hasn't changed much since the last time it was posted. Did you just toss in the keyboard control picture that Rory posted and call it a day? It's a good start, but there is almost no information on the Wiki. Keep at it.
  5. I understand that it's not a simple matter of flipping a switch, but I also wanted to make sure the idea wasn't neglected entirely. I can think of one game in the past where key bindings were heavily restricted based on the owner's ideals.. The game didn't last long after that change was made. If custom binding options are planned for some time in the future, then that's good enough for me and should be good enough for everyone.
  6. I can't think of any good reason to restrict players from rebinding their keys.
  7. @Ryu Regardless of where the money goes, I think it's perfectly acceptable to sell aesthetic services; different colored names, unique clothing and more profile options are all pretty commonplace in other MMO communities, and those things don't impact game balance whatsoever. I do agree, however, that this seems to be pretty low on the list of priorities. Still, when you spend as much time working as Rory and Seth do, sometimes it's necessary to change pace and work on something just for the fun of it. I like and support this feature.
  8. I'm looking mighty handsome in that pic, but still not quite as handsome as Antonio Banderas. .gif
  9. There is a slippery slope here.. Let me just say that I read Sipher's original post, and there were several very relevant points made in it. Let's try to be objective in decision making, Amazi-chan.
  10. I can think of a few things. Excellent work here, @Afilion.
  11. Crosswise


    This has been the trend on BYOND as it relates to Naruto games. I know BYOND is a bit taboo here, but it's a valid source of information if you're looking at the Naruto fanbase. It's huge in Brazil.
  12. This is wonderful, but I have a question. A while back I created a thread in which I detailed the possibility of players specializing in a trade to establish powerful positions for themselves within the game world. What are my chances of becoming the biggest banker in Nin and keeping a stranglehold on every other player without even having to take part in combat?
  13. I don't celebrate the new year and am highly offended by this.
  14. Those are pretty good for having just started out. Touch up the Pakkun and Deidara mouth a bit and we can probably use them.
  15. Yeah if you make a good piece of artwork, I'm sure it can be worked into an award of some sort.
  16. Crosswise


    I've made posts about this before, but if there was ever a demographic large enough to cater to - with regard to translation from English - it would be Brazilians (Portuguese). More than any other group globally, I think they're the most likely not only to flock to an online Naruto-based game, but also the most likely to not be fluent in English.
  17. Crosswise


    I'm surprised Tagalog didn't make the list. Them Pinoys love their free online games.
  18. One star at best.

  19. You're correct in hinting that there are numerous ways for us to manipulate a 200-year passage of time with respect to clan dilution and changes within the universe, but without getting too detailed, emulating the Naruto franchise puts Nin at potential risk for copyright harassment, so in all likelihood the game will be moving away from a canonical universe and its inclusive features (clans, proper titles, etc.). If there are remnants of the series - which undoubtedly there will be - they will not be "copied and pasted" straight from manga sources, and thus can be more easily balanced.
  20. If anything, it should tell you that there will be an ongoing effort to balance skills so that there are no overpowered bloodlines.
  21. Recognition for player input and vanity? Precisely. There is a world of difference between Gold/Silver getting special items in-game or having early access to Alpha testing, and them receiving stat increases or character boosts which directly affect combat with other players. I believe the programmers - Seth at least - are trying to take Nin in the direction of a competitive game, while avoiding the "pay to win" sinkhole. It's fine to benefit aesthetically from donations and from badges awarded on the forum, but being awarded with things that give you an edge over other players in competitive situations should be avoided. That said, I like your idea for the badge allowing profile songs to non-Golds and -Silvers. I've only conceived close to eight different badges thus far, so the award feature is wide open to suggestions.. And, of course, contributions.