
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Southend_boi

  1. LMAO im pretty sure im not the only person that has bought a gaming monitor... GAMING MONITOR.
  2. people that aren't retarded play on computer monitors... screen lag, response time and graphics are all better on a computer monitor built for gaming... although i need the new BenQ gaming monitor... 1ms man 1ms.
  4. This is incorrect... this would only be possible if there was no competition sony will not do anything that will give people a reason to switch from the ps4 to the xb1 and vice versa... @Noble - what is wrong with you ? are you trolling... Kinect isn't half the system its just a tool for the NSA to spy on you and a way to force you out of 100$ Kinect is for casual gamers people that'll actually hook their xb1 up to their tv and cable boxes but what about hardcore gamers like myself who play on their computer monitor ? Microsoft is trying to be the all in one system instead of a gaming system and that cost them this console war.
  5. The xbox one was disappointing i dont know why anyone would buy it after what they tried... ontop of all that once they have a stable community they can bring those 24/7 online used games bullshit back with out getting sued. the only way that i'd buy the xbox1 would be a lower price, Kinect not being shipped with the game and.... i honestly dont know i doubt i'll be buying one. and i won't be purchasing the ps4 either... im going to probably wait 1year or more to purchase a next gen unless they're offering lifetime warranty's. but PS4 > xb1
  6. i don't like it... he created dragonball Z why not just expand the series or create another series in the same universe as DBZ i know i would and people would eat it up just because i made dbz and i'd make millions. sadly im having trouble creating my own universe.
  7. Southend_boi


    @ - America > Brazil
  8. no take that and consider-racing
  9. astro a40's Diaper and wipes 400+ pack 50inch vizio smart tv yoplait yogurt(strawberry banana)
  10. For the outline and hair. a dark purple or blue would work perfectly
  11. Sadly Kishimoto and the bleach creator confirmed 1-2more arcs after this let the milking begin.
  12. you shouldn't use black it makes it your work look flat.
  13. as you just said... im sorry but i ignored you i see no point in responding to your faggotry. @Selkie - or, hear me out. You can start off with 3clans each village with out adding something like fans or cloth style... theres another arc after this great shinobi war i bet you we'll see villages at eachothers throats again giving us more information.
  14. Lets see. Leaf Uchiha Hyuuga Akimichi Inuzuka nara Mist Yuki Kaguya Boil Magma Suna Puppeteer Sand manipulator Scorch Cloud Darui Rock Dust Blast Deidara 4Clans a village would work when more info is released on cloud.
  15. Currently theres not enough information to add Mist, Suna, Cloud and Rock... clan balance.
  16. i just can get into the game of thrones is it good ? and whats it like ?
  17. The walking dead Breaking bad Prison break Burn notice Spartacus Dexter
  18. attempting to end it because your ignorance is showing calling any part of a manga outdated is pure... i can't even find the words its that DUMB. Naruto and friends never went looking for the sound village they went looking for orochimaru/sasuke now you're just making up shit... we can tell you dont read the manga. yes, orochimaru is dead now lets pack up everything and become nomads.
  19. ^so wrong.... you're getting your information from filler. <--- with your logic grass doesn't exist since we haven't seen their village... Orochimaru hideout=/=hidden sound village. Orochimaru is the founder doesn't mean he has to be in the village 24/7
  20. Make the black base faster than the white one... stereotypes = good game mechanics.
  21. if its cosmetic it won't break the game and it'll be fine... i was gonna do the same thing on my air gear game until Funimation gave byond the D.
  22. Pretty much you want me to be fake ? same nigga different community... you goa niggas are hella fake attempting to act like a new man because you're on a different part of the internet.