
Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Southend_boi

  1. or.... or.... ask me to message you a serial so you can get the full version of graphicsgale.
  3. those tutorials are horrible...
  4. no... its trash. The game is nothing but spam and 4games into the series going on 5 and they still cant balance it correctly. The problem is they're making a kids game instead of a fighting game and that makes it trash.
  5. utlimate ninja storm is trash.
  6. Southend_boi

    Pixel Art

    i wanna see some original work
  7. Kai2lazy.... i didn't wanna pm another man... i feel thats gay.
  8. I'm from byond and goa... im the king of goa the fucking supreme don. Key: Southend_boi
  9. Tree logs middle part needs to be lighter
  10. @The Monster Atlas he believes being apart of a community before him is stalking him... a delusional little failure.
  11. ^heres the liar from the goa community... im pretty sure he found out about ninonline from all the goa'ers that migrated here. He was a faggot on the goa community and attempted to be one of the old gens(people that played in 2007/golden age goa) but later on got exposed and admited to being a new gen, crappy ass pixel artist and a person that doesn't tell the truth about his life. he's a loser. @The Monster Atlas
  12. thats the outdated version i went with a shiny version of dragonnite some highlights here and there really makes it pop.
  13. The line art is horrible theres alot of jags it can use some imrpovements the wings go from 3-5 and that is just completely wrong. your colors are somewhat fine but its to hard to tell the difference between them i suggest upping the contrast the body perspective im guessing you're going with a 3/4th perspective ? the legs completely ignore that and the wings look very basic i suggest spreading them out more and giving them more detail. i won't lie to you... you have a long way to go before you're able to make something of good standards. My friend... you've just been Kai'd.
  14. theres no rules against using something as a reference my good man i've also used your naruto game as a reference although 20k colors smh -_- can't use your palettes as a reference.
  15. *Vash The Stampede" Also, that doesn't apply to the avatar since theres countless females in the avatars past lives it only makes sense since there were 2male avatars in a row. I could see Goku, Brock, Naruto(technically he is sort of both) ichigo etc etc being females if the series was to continue and their children took over being the main character i dont see why that would be a problem... unless you're a sexist.
  16. The Legend of Korra is pretty damn good... also Aangs dead but theres something called a prequel that could be made but i'd like to see the avatar story progress to the year 2000 and see what it'll be like.
  17. you lack 0 ignorance thats honestly the only thing you got going and acting like a rich bitch i guess... Gary Oak exposes your grammar and now you're sucking his dick ? the faggotry you've been displaying is off the charts... if you are rich you're magic johnsons son cause only fucking queens call niggas peasants.
  18. forgetting to type old is 12yr old grammar... you know googling a word you dont understand only proves you're using words beyond your vocabulary.
  19. how are you ? 12... using the word noob and posting memes like a child that have nothing to do with the discussion at hand. i think you meant iron knee not irony i dont believe you know what that means.
  20. im just gonna ignore you... you're ignorant and immature and i have no reason to further exchange any type of words with you... ignorance is contagious.
  21. how isn't it the "norm" im pretty sure you know everyone who has a console and what they use to display the image... a gaming monitor is not strictly for pc gaming and alot if not all pro/hardcore gamers player on monitors because of response time, screen lag etc etc read up on stuff before you speak or you just leave us thinking you're retarded.
  22. :unsure: i can't tell if he's a troll or just that stupid not knowing computers and monitors support hdmi nowdays... <_< i hope he's a troll.