
Silver Ninja
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Southend_boi last won the day on May 19 2015

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About Southend_boi


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    Seattle, Wa

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  1. everything looks good except the scorpion o_O what the buildings look like tho.
  2. a nigga aint really been online lately but if your goal is finishing the entire game before you release it you're bound to fail in all honesty the game should of been released and updated as you progressed in development. Kai2cents
  3. Call me a artist... cause when theres beef m quick to draw. Die L's

  4. my ban almost over... bout to turn up on the shoutbox SQUAD!

  5. when you make females make the face more round and the eyes bigger thats the best way to make them look different then males.
  6. Nothing long probably a 3frame animation just showing the tag catch fire will be enough...
  7. kawarimi can be used with a large range of things rabbits, logs, other people, clones etc etc... madara didn't know Hashirama was a clone thus he used kawarimi on a clone. Nice try.... wait for it...... DOE. showed the wood clone assuming everyone here reads the manga and knows what happened in previous chapters.
  9. Southend_boi


    i picked french because i like the language
  10. O_O im on siphers tip ? really, oh lord i didn't know you could be on someones tip when another individual starts to ramble random nonsense because he doesn't know what to say. what has the world come to.
  11. wait a second... bitch aint no one worried about you i barely post here. stop acting like a bitch ass nigga in the topics i actually do click on and i won't need to get on your head boy.