
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Accelerator

  1. I think now more than ever with the "advanced tier" weapons... Advanced is needed to bring balance back to the game.
  2. The only mastery that has a good farming jutsu before level 15 is int wm lets be honest...
  3. chakra scalpel is unlocked at level 15...
  4. Medic is broken enough as it is.
  5. This just seems way too easy to exploit. It's hard to level with any mastery just do your dailies and be sneaky man. Both meds are actually very strong in pvp so I don't know why you're saying they are weak if you encounter enemies.
  6. @Ueda Please add downvote button on suggestions. Thanks
  7. How wild, the game is balanced enough as is. Besides, why waste hundreds of hours balancing only to change the balance with advanced which will need tweaking as well?
  8. He's stated that either way he will find a solution. Just play what you wanna play man it's not that deep unless you're a meta chasing sweat.
  9. Kinda still is like that innit?
  10. What were fans like pre re-work?
  11. Im sure if you make it for the Nin Sprite then Rory will happily add the content to the store.
  12. Ok but how would you have an idea of players you havent played withs abilities in teamfights?
  13. Everyone knows you just have beef with Yami (nohate @rums) Kind of weird to put some guy that most players havent heard of as a top tier in a mastery is all I'm saying. And I'm pretty sure everytime static and sparkzz sparred sparkzz came out the winner so it's pretty weird to not only put static there but to imply that sparkzz only has d riders and isn't that good. I mean did you think about how ainz lost ringed with monkey staff to burnfinix while making this tier list? Or just about which friends would get an ego boost reading it?
  14. Inactive players? They are on pretty much everyday.
  15. Man static instead of sparkzz Rumaki instead of yamikami Sage who I've never even heard of before today instead of Dona or freezehud.. Sdz instead of agni... I mean come on at least try and hide the bias lol Putting your own alts on there is kind of wack ngl. And yeah, I don't mind I got smacked acnologia was clearly a way better player. I don't have any shame about it. At least I don't have to lie on a public forum to boost my ego over a videogame that most of us just play for fun.
  16. I mean without seeing your previous work not only do we not know what you're capable of , it's actually kind of vague what you're offering at all.
  17. Seizure warning: fast flashing lights at one point.
  18. While I do really like the idea of a marketplace where we can place items for sale using in game system. I can't stress this enough this is probably the best post I've seen about a system similar to an auction house being added to Nin.. I can tell you this probably won't be added, and if it does it's for a long time from now. Rory has stated many times he doesn't want an auction house in-game so your idea of having players meet up would be great (maybe even making it a gold-sink 5% or something) The major problem I see is that this is essentially adding what the discord #trade does to the game (which in itself is great, but when you take into account the coding time it takes on an indie dev team.. it's very far down the priority list.) Anyway like I said, the fact that your suggestion is really fleshed out shows you put some thought into your idea rather than just "gief mmo auction house nao plz"
  19. I've also had this problem it's basically like playing in zoom mode when you're on the normal client.
  20. Then everyone will want to wear them, rory has said before he doesn't want to make clothing affect stats because he wants people to be able to express themselves.
  21. I would definitely reset one of my 50s for this