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  1. jakashi


    I like the idea of being able to earn titles and change them from there, we could always have custom titles to?
  2. Lmao thats sick about kabuto, so much for a decent nights sleep im just going to be seeing flying bones everywhere.
  3. Will do, nice avy btw.
  4. Let the kage ambushes commence I like the chuunin rp event actually depth behind it great work.
  5. jakashi


    This definately clears up alot of stuff thanks !
  6. Didnt event see this topic and iv been in this section alot this looks great, crazy battles going on there unless its a safezone.
  7. Well theres probably going to be a ton of guys in and out, maybe once the game has a proper tutorial, but i highly doubt anyone but gold shinobi will get many awards at the moment.
  8. Looking back at this i think the hot springs will be my main hangout, for ninja stuff of course......
  9. Theres already a few teams i know of lmao, never to soon.
  10. Not many naruto games iv played on actually decide to go down the female route or are just to lazy for it, i'm very glad you guys are including this.
  11. I'm really excited to experience the chuunin exams now
  12. Welcome to the community yeah its good to find this easter egg on the internet, i have followed it for years, but only recently found it back up.
  13. Well he kinda inherits the bodys abilities so i guess so lmao, what a weird thought to have now im questioning ino racking peoples memories to see any sexual experiences lmao.
  14. Welcome buddy! Hope to see you in the alpha! Soon!!!!
  15. Id be down for a programming board, but not just for byond because they have the byond forum for that lol.