
Gold Ninja
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Everything posted by Dojima

  1. Hello! I am not sure if this happens with all the hairstyles or not since i only have one to check it out. But Black Cursed Sakkat make my character bald and the Sakkat invisible if my character is lying in vertical position, and makes the Sakkat invisible (while not making it bald) if it lies in horizontal position. I hope that the explanation is appropiate. I attach 3 images showing the changes in both positions an showing how the char looks in a standard standing way. Thank you in advance and have a nice day!
  2. It happened to me too like 7/8 times. I noticed losing a bit of health after using jutsus, it happened to me after cloack and substitution. Also while changing maps (entering or leaving buildings, or just traversing forest maps). Not sure what could be the detonant of such behavior.
  3. I just had the same issue! My screen went black in that map and i can't do anything