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  1. Throughout the years of playing Nin Online iv'e noticed how toxic the community can get and how this toxicity can drive away newer players to the game. So today i'm going to be showing a guide on how to deal with a toxic player in Nin Online. 1. Blocking: Muting and blocking is one of the easiest ways you can deal with a toxic player. Everyone and their mothers will tell you " just block them " when your dealing with a toxic player. Blocking them will counter every other option when playing Nin Online. As boring and generic this strategy is, it works 100% of the time. In game just do /ignore and they will not be able to PM you and when they say anything in the map chat, it won't be visibly possible for you to see it. 2. Don't type back: This method works most of the time but it can be a very difficult challenge for many people, trust me i know how challenging it can be because iv'e dealt with this many times. I understand that it is very hard to resist flaming them back and putting them in their place but you have to make a choice and commit to your choice, you have to choose doing the appropriate thing instead of personal satisfaction because at the end of the day these people are either having a bad day and putting their anger out on the game and you or just trying to get a reaction out of you so don't let them win. 3. Keep being positive! These type of negative people will try whatever they can to ruin your game experience or sometimes they just don't care, either way these types of toxicity is the hardest riot to monitor. Do whatever you can to keep them in a positive mood cause sometimes there just looking for someone to lash out too after having a bad day. 4: Just be the bigger man: Just be the bigger man and don't respond to threats and continue to focus on your game and how you can improve. You have to remember what they say doesn't even matter because they don't know you personally so why does their input even matter in the first place? Toxicity will just distract your performance and most of the time people act toxic towards you because of jealousy so just do you and don't worry about the trolls. 5: Reporting: If a player ever threatens your life or says anything that is outside of the game then report them to a Game Master, there are many active and approachable Game Masters that would try their best to deal with the situation or right click them in game and press ' Report '. Thank you for reading this, hopefully this was useful. To all new players reading this i hope you all succeed in your journey in this game.
  2. Oh i thought they stopped that rule in sand. Anyways thank you for replying in this forum in such a respectful and humble way, you are what the Nin Online community should all be like.
  3. Good morning/evening Nin Online players, i have a certain message to the 3 kages of this game so if your not currently a kage or at least a council member etc then please remove yourself from this forum post. Currently i am a Missing Ninja in all of my accounts but i do want to be apart of a village in game since being in Takumi is a big liability. It is too dangerous for a handsome young lad like me. So what i ask is that if i could get a pardon to any of the villages since i have a Missing Account for all 3 villages or at least be welcomed to start an alternative account in that village. Again, if your not a kage or at least a council member of your current village then there is no need for you to comment on this amazing post. Thank you for reading this have a blessed week to the people reading this.
  4. Since everyone was showing of their houses, i had the idea to show off mine. You can see my significant other in the screenshot, sorry about that! i told her to move but she said she wanted to be in it. Anyways here it is! What do you think about the house i created Ueda?
  5. I make more than there fathers. It means nothing to me now that i understood there pitiful attempt at a joke.
  6. stop commenting in my posts. I dont like toxic players like you
  7. Dont call me stupid or were going to have some problems. Im not like these other nin players. Go home little girl.
  8. lol why are you so mad. I've literally haven't done nothing to you like ever.
  9. Why was i in this persons youtube video, what is the meaning of this? i don't understand. Can anyone care to explain please
  10. Calm down there madam. I've got accounts that were banned by a abusive moderator you may not know of who has been banished a long time ago. This moderator permanently banned many of my accounts and even deleted some even when ive spent hundreds of $ on them before nin credit was a known source. This is was the main reason why i wanted this event to happen but i am pretty sure people who have banned accounts for more than 2 years probably don't play anymore or have moved on from that account and learnt from there mistake.
  11. Hello everyone in the Ninja world. Today iv'e decided to suggest a brilliant idea of mine. There should be a event where all Nin Online accounts that were banned for more than 2 years should be unbanned and able to access again. I am sure there are many players who would benefit from this event if it did occur. I would benefit from this since i have many accounts that were banned in the past years. @Ueda Please read this and let me know what you think. Thank you.
  12. I healed lowbies at coyotes for 3 hours straight and i was camping tiger map in leaf while lowbies were grinding there ( also healing them while camping ) so no enemies attacked them since that map is a Danger Zone. I also popped a blessing when there was only 20 players online a couple of hours after daily reset because a lowbie said in Nin Online discord general that he needed a blessing to grind.
  13. The video was made well, Very informative and creative.
  14. Thank you @Ueda for all the updates and the new content that Nin has been receiving. I just wanted to make this forum post to let you know that all your hard work is thanked for. Your contribution to Nin Online for these past couple of years has my gratitude and everyone elses. I am sure many of the players feel the same way. I hope all the future content that is yet to come turns out to be a successful contribution to the game.