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Bubbles last won the day on June 22 2016

Bubbles had the most liked content!



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Bubbles's Achievements

  1. New Name: Wipe Nin Online Nin Online but everyone's save files get corrupted and we have to wipe Features (Optional) Ryo and Bitcoin equivalence system. Gimme that lambo. Changes (Optional) Tie Rory to a chair and make him watch as the server is wiped.
  2. Bubbles

    Nin Online Dance

    nudism no jutsu should be a thing, bra...
  3. nice sig, bruh ;o

  4. let's make a nudism cult in game, dude
  5. Bleach had one of the greatest soundtracks in anime. Can I get a "amen", fellow weabs?

    1. Hoshen


      never really watched bleach but if we're talking about anime sound track samurai Champloo has easily one of the best. ...amen

    2. Kuraen Wilkor
    3. Bubbles
  6. ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ lookin great. they do feel kinda slow tho. as if it'd take a few seconds without moving to perform a "spell"
  7. don't ever walk away. fastest way to get your ass kicked. the bully's gonna assume you think of him as a weak, beta male and kick you in the back. best course of action is to look right through him and come up with some crazy shit outta nowhere. like... hold sharp things, spin your arms and stick them in your leg to show him you have no pain/ fear.
  8. taking it up to the admins... pfffft. a real noble woulda executed whoever bothered him. where are all these admins coming from tho? some of them haven't had even 1 update log and some weren't credited even once. and why is crosswise a developer now?
  9. how dare u

    1. Bubbles


      no idea what im talkin about. check yo profile feed and u tell me...!

  10. the purpose is to rack up likes... EVERYBODY DO AS I DID: LIKE AND UNLIKE IT TO SIMULATE A DISLIKE. if we cut the flow of likes his genitals will dry up and shatter
  11. ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ

  12. Death Inducing Commandos of Kumogakure

  13. Death Inducing Conquerors of Kumogakure

    1. Bubbles


      who wants to join the DICKs?

    2. Bubbles


      nobody messes with a dick

    3. Atrox


      no girl messes with yours for sure..huehuehue