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Yasutake last won the day on December 15 2021

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About Yasutake


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Ninja Bio

226dcd9e720b4f641ed6a4327765d817.jpg.f9667671387984fafea7d56df7b5e751.jpgName: Hanabora Yasutake Ketsueki

Nickname: The Estranged 

Hair Color: Black

Eye color: Hazel Eyed

Height: 5'7

Age: 17

Eating Habits: Excessively Healthy.

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Secret

Rank Classification: Genin

                                                                                            Clan: Ketseuki/Kazuki/Jakusha

                                                                                                               Relatives: Balcoin - Second Cousin

                                                                                             Alignment: Lawful Good

                                                                                        Speciality: Kenjutsu

                                                                        Titles: None

                                                                                                          Place of birth: Unknown. Officially Listed - The Sunagakure

                                                             Place of Residence: The Sunagakure



Born during the warring period, Hanabora was often left with his siblings to tend to the duties around the house as his parents under-took dangerous missions. Hailing from a Shinobi family each member enlisted into the Sunagakure's Armed Forces to varying degrees of success. One of the most successful being a very distant relative, Balcoin. Coming onto the end of the war, as the situation was dire Hanabora's parents, and two elder siblings were sent to reinforce a major objective in the war effort. Needless to say, on that faithful day an unlikely error by Hanabora's father, revealing the location of the reinforcement force, along with his family before he could make it to the main fighting group alerted the enemy, causing them to be surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy with no reinforcements. 

Hanabora sat at home, assuming to himself it was another day as he awaited the return of his siblings and parents. However, they never came. After the war was over, he wandered the streets, often begging strangers for things to eat, or even money due to this, he was prone to beatings from the unkind members of society, and Shinobi exerting their power over the unwealthy. However he never had the heart to steal, or fight others for what he proclaims as not his. At age 7, Hanabora stumbled into the residence of the Ketsueki household.


Bruised, skinny, and sleep deprived, he asked them if they could kindly donate 5 Ryu so he could purchase some ramen for the night. Reluctantly, one of the members accepted, giving the boy 5 Ryu, and sending him on his way. Each night, he would return asking the same question as he seemed to develop more bruises because of his lifestyle. Each time, he would be given 5 Ryu.  A couple months in, one of the members of the family decided to silently follow Hanabora as they wondered what he had been doing with the money, and the reason for the bruises. Upon following the boy, they had found he lived in a box somewhere deep within the slums of the Sunagakure, which at the time was being kicked by one of the neighborhood bullies, giving the young man great discomfort. 

The Ketseuki stepped in, removing Hanabora from the situation as they reported the offender to the SMFU for violent assault. Being inducted into the clan as an adopted orphan, Hanabora was taken care of well from there on out. He was fed well, clothed, and protected from harm. His wounds were healed and his features soon returned to their full glory. However, the ever lingering dark circles under his eyes did not fade away. A mark of his everlasting sleep deprivation. 

The Boy was unable to sleep, often missing his parents. He had been informed they were all dead, but he still held hope they would return for a long time. As Hanabora grew older, he grew interested in being a Shinobi like his newfound clansmen, thus, enlisting into the Academy. 

Due to his genetic predisposition he was not good at Taijutsu, nor was his ninjutsu up to standard. However during a faithful Kenjutsu demonstration, he fell inlove with the art of swordsmanship, dedicating his mind, soul, and body to mastering the way of the blade. Another one of his skills, had been his strategic mind in warfare drills. He excelled at military tactics and directing his teammates in a fashion that would secure strategic victory to varying degrees dependant on the situation. But he was not perfect, he often overshot, overestimated, or over imposed his own plans. Sometimes even a hyper fixation on certain aspects of the battle would cause him to win the battle, but lose the "war" and miss the lesson of the class being taught.

Coming onto age 15, Hanabora graduated from the Academy as he began his career as a Genin. Fully mastering his first swordsmanship technique: Shockwave Slash. 

Hanabora is now age 17, he is a very studious and respectful teenager, if not sometimes bratty when he does not get his way. He's prone to complaining and bouts of laziness when he does not have a deadline on a mission. This has earned him the name 50/50. This refers to if he'll actually do anything or not. 

Hanabora's goals are to be promoted to Special Jounin, or pass the Chuunin exams. He also wants to master the way of the blade and acquire a Legendary sword of some sort. He has also expressed the will to one day wage war on the other villages in a biased fashion, recounting the loss of his family as a just reason for any unjust treatment they may receive if he were to enter a position of power. 

He has taken after Balcoin in being a very blunt person, however he is more than willing to explain  himself if he is not understood. He is keen on being seen as a candidate to being a "General" during times of war, when he achieves the Rank of Jounin someday.

He wears a Black and Red outfit to acknowledge the commission of the Ketsueki Clan, and bringing him out of poverty. 


Quote: "If I had a choice to remake all my decisions, I wouldn't take it."