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Nej last won the day on March 3 2021

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  1. Optional 2-Factor authorization would be really nice!
  2. Wind was so powerful, I had a wind pipe level 42 and I would solo kill a lot of level 50s. I don't think this was fix the issue, it will just make wind the strongest elemental mastery again. Wind is still really strong right now if you weren't aware. I would be more down for vacuum to be instant 1s stun and self stun but only hit x1.
  3. My personal opinion is that the x3 damage from vacuum sphere being instant was boring gameplay. I remember hitting sphere on wind users and they'd just turn around and do the same shit on me. It turned really boring for me and that's why I stopped playing my wind character before the nerf was even out.
  4. Oh, this isn't a bug! The summoner scroll is old and the pipe slightly goes through it!
  5. Not all the swords do aoe, and like I said the buff (stat-wise) is not that great.
  6. Against its only 7, in order for it to be balance some or most swords need to be strong. I don't understand how this Akebono mentions that 12g are barely online like that is the problem of anyone but yourselves for poor selections of players. 7sms are not always online like he claims they are. Also, clearly you didn't finish reading because I mentioned the flicker combo on gf being undodgable and almost 300 damage with barely any str.
  7. I don't know why you gathered all this information like I don't know lol. 7 people buffed vs 12 people buffed. They nerfed nuibari which was busted.
  8. Yeah but there’s only 7 swords available(which most don’t give any viable stat boosts) and you have 12 guardians with all +10 stats. That ONE sword might be strong but having an indefinite amount of gentle fists users that also hold Z and unavoidable 6et (flicker combo) is pretty strong as well don’t you think?
  9. I don’t mind the weapons being locked to their appropriate masteries but the way I see it is that it kinda balances things out since leaf, by default, always has more players in the village and even newcomers going to leaf. (Except for when there’s a new village). How is 10 pipe users going to take down 20 leaf ninjas? If you’re worried about other things such as tournaments and such, leaf has the strongest 1v1 mastery in the game. I’m not debating whether or not mist and sand have better utilities then leaf because they do. I’m only asking you and everyone to think about the balance in the game within standard population. PS. If you want a weapon it would have to be a STR based weapon for GF which doesn’t make sense because of Pressure Point Needle
  10. Leaf ninjas play the game on hard mode I wish I could be brave like you guys lol
  11. Me and my family have constant nightmares of running into the border patrol general Ainz.
  12. There is no Taco Bell in naruto.
  13. This is super cool, how much ryo for a figurine?
  14. A legendary ninja got punished for introducing the harassing world to the lowbies, #FreeSteezo #LessDepressoMoreExpresso