Zabuza Momochi

Silver Ninja
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Everything posted by Zabuza Momochi

  1. In its current state, even with pipe / snares, vacuum is fairly weak considering if you snare someone its always better to use drilling bullets then vacuum. This means vacuum not only rely's on you snaring your opponent, it also means drilling bullets needs to be on CD for it to be useful.
  2. The only thing shocking about this is rain refusing to kick ainz for 300k .-. either he is rich or ainz got something on rain.
  3. Sounds like a sand problem that I am too mist to understand.
  4. For the first 3 days of my term, all pardons will be free, if you are ready to come home and fight for your village now is the time. Message me in-game or on discord Zabuza Momochi#4269
  5. Unity Engine, welcome to the modern world nin Any need for more dev's? I'd be happy to work in C#, many years of experience in Unity~