
Silver Ninja
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Chai last won the day on June 17 2016

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  1. Summoning Robe with Summoner Scroll and Bubble Pipe looks bugged
  2. Hello Hello Hello <3

  3. It's only fair if everyone will be overpowered
  4. Chai

    So what if..

    I'm with it as long as nobody will ever see me again.
  5. Geez... Stop quoting the whole post.
  6. I'm pretty sure you can do it however you like as long as you're not faking it.
  7. That knocked down animation is sick af. Keep up the good work ^-^
  8. Hmmm, I don't know. I think you should report it.
  9. If you reset your character after claiming that item you'll lose it. You can however give it to your friend before resetting and ask your friend afterwards to give it back to you once you reset.
  10. You're kind of correct. You see missing ninjas will miss out things that only village ninjas can do, but same should go for village ninjas. Missing ninja should be worth going for. I mean you would literally want to become missing not because of just killing random people, but because of the content that you can access when you become missing. It has to be something worth going for.
  11. Chai


    Amazing work as always. I'm still waiting for puppets tho'
  12. If it's a joke it's not funny at all. And it's not me that can't understand jokes. It's just your joke that's .....
  13. Don't abuse bugs and you won't be on the list. Simple as that.